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Neutralization Tests

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Disease relevance of Neutralization Tests


High impact information on Neutralization Tests

  • Additional significant biological activity for the anti-47 K mol wt immunogen mAb was revealed through results of the in vitro-in vivo neutralization test of Bishop and Miller, in which a 99% or 100% neutralizing activity was demonstrated [6].
  • Neutralization tests of this factor-induced proliferation of spleen cells revealed that a major part of the factor may be GM-CSF or a molecule closely related to it [7].
  • Tissue culture neutralization tests were performed on the sera from 9 patients; significant rises in the antibody titres (greater than or equal to 1:16) to AHC virus antigens were found in 8 cases, and in 2 of them a fourfold rise in the paired sera was noted [8].
  • A comparison of mean antibody titers of post-inoculation sera showed that the RIA was 300 and 1000 times more sensitive than the HI and neutralization tests, respectively [9].
  • Both Fab 5H2 and Fab 5D9 neutralized DENV-4 efficiently with a titer of 0.24 to 0.58 micro g/ml by plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT), whereas DENV-4-neutralizing activity of other Fabs was low or not detected [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Neutralization Tests


Biological context of Neutralization Tests


Anatomical context of Neutralization Tests

  • In vitro neutralization tests with pure antibody and IL-6 demonstrated that, with both antibodies tested, more than 1000-fold molar excess of antibody is needed for neutralization in the hybridoma growth assay [18].
  • In the Winn tumor neutralization test, peritoneal macrophages harvested from normal mice 24 h after a single injection of liposomes (2.5 mumol) containing LYNK or CRP markedly inhibited tumor growth when a mixture of effector-target cells (40 : 1) was injected in the footpad [19].
  • The sera were screened for neutralizing antibody to Lumbo (LUM), snowshoe hare (SSH), and trivittatus (TVT) viruses by plaque neutralization tests on Vero cells [20].
  • The sera with rheumatoid factor (RF) that did not agglutinate human Rh+ erythrocytes sensitized by incomplete Rh antibodies, Ripley, could be tested in an AA neutralization test without any further treatment [21].
  • A neutralization test with antibodies against G-, M- and GM-CSF indicated the stimulation for the proliferation of CMK and mouse bone marrow cells to be mediated partially by the CSFs [22].

Associations of Neutralization Tests with chemical compounds

  • Thrombin generation and neutralization test (TGNT) - a simple, practical, and sensitive assay for plasma heparin quantitation [23].
  • The results of the neutralization test also indicated that type C1 and D toxin preparations contain several common antigenic sites in their molecules [24].
  • Haemagglutination-inhibition and neutralization tests using rabbit sera to the E2 glycoprotein of TON, BB and PARA viruses showed them to be indistinguishable from each other and closely related to prototype subtype III virus Mucambo (MUC) [25].
  • An antigen-blocking or neutralization test (Abbott) confirmed the results of the Ortho assay [26].
  • The test used viral antigen purified in a sucrose density gradient, and the antibody titers detected were up to 100 times higher than those seen in the serum neutralization test [27].

Gene context of Neutralization Tests


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neutralization Tests


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