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Chemical Compound Review

AR-1L8646     (2R,3R,4S,5R,6R)-2- [(2S,3S,4S,5R)-3,4...

Synonyms: AC1L3M3Y, 470-55-3, 11036-79-6, 127230-14-2, 128301-28-0, ...
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Disease relevance of Stachyose

  • Cortical vesicles transiently undocked in the presence of tetanus toxin were subsequently fusion incompetent although to a large extent they retained their ability to redock when stachyose was diluted [1].
  • Furthermore, proteoliposome reconstitution assays showed conclusively that the channels formed by protein F, as well as by unfractionated outer membranes, allowed the diffusion of a tetrasaccharide, stachyose, at a significant rate, indicating that these channels are much larger than E. coli porin channels [2].
  • This analysis demonstrates that (1) raffinose content in leaves increases upon heat stress in wild-type but not in the GolS1 mutant plants; and (2) the level of raffinose is enhanced and stachyose is present at normal temperature in HSF3 TPs [3].
  • Soybean flour contains raffinose and stachyose considered to be responsible for flatulence often associated with these products (J.J. Rackis, D.H. Honig, D.J. Sessa, and F.R. Steggerda, 1970). alpha-Galactosidase, produced on wheat bran, hydrolyzes the galactooligosaccharides of soybean milk [4].
  • When Bacteroides ovatus is grown on guar gum, a galactomannan, it produces alpha-galactosidase I which is different from alpha-galactosidase II which it produces when grown on galactose, melibiose, raffinose, or stachyose [5].

High impact information on Stachyose

  • The oxygen affinity of hemoglobin varies linearly with the chemical potential of water in the bathing medium, as seen from the osmotic effect of several neutral solutes, namely sucrose, stachyose, and two polyethyleneglycols (molecular weights of 150 and 400) [6].
  • Stachyose (2.6 osmol/kg) appears to inhibit cortical granule exocytosis by eliciting formation of a granule-free zone (GFZ) in the egg cortex which pushes granules away from the plasma membrane thus preventing their fusion [7].
  • Lytechinus pictus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs were exposed to 0.8 M stachyose or 40% (wt/vol) dextran (average molecular mass of 10 kD) in artificial sea water, activated with 60 microM of the calcium ionophore A23187, and then either fixed with glutaraldehyde and embedded or quick-frozen and freeze-fractured [7].
  • Chain Elongation of raffinose in pea seeds. Isolation, characterization, and molecular cloning of mutifunctional enzyme catalyzing the synthesis of stachyose and verbascose [8].
  • The DLDH mutants lost their ability to oxidize or grow with galactose or melibiose as sole carbon source and showed reduced oxidation and growth on raffinose or stachyose [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Stachyose

  • In order to test the hypothesis whether galactose released from raffinose and stachyose could be a source of absorbed galactose and a cause of elevated gal-1-P six patients with galactosemia (aged 6-24 years), underwent a raffinose- and stachyose-poor dietary regimen for 2 weeks [10].
  • Conjugating bovine trypsin with oligosaccharides maltotriose, raffinose and stachyose increased its thermostability and suppressed autolysis, without affecting its cleavage specificity [11].

Biological context of Stachyose


Anatomical context of Stachyose

  • At concentrations up to and including 0.6 M, stachyose was without effect on the A23187-induced acrosome reaction [12].
  • 1. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the oligosaccharide stachyose enhances gastrointestinal tract health by fermentation and proliferation of desirable bacteria species and thus affects growth performance and nutrient digestibility in broilers [16].
  • These experiments demonstrated that feces could be made void of raffinose and stachyose, but chick growth performance was not significantly (P > 0.05) improved by enzyme treatment [17].
  • Carbohydrase supplementation decreased (P < 0.05) the concentration of stachyose in freeze-dried digesta from the proximal and distal small intestine [18].
  • Galactose released from raffinose and stachyose may be absorbed and contribute to elevated gal-1-P values in erythrocytes of galactosemic patients [10].

Associations of Stachyose with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Stachyose

  • Average daily gain and feed conversion ratio were influenced by alpha-Gal and stachyose supplementation [23].
  • A proteoliposome, containing the isolated porin conjugate, was prepared to measure permeability of the sugar stachyose [24].
  • The final preparation had a specific activity of 9.09 nkat stachyose formed per milligram of protein [25].
  • Trace quantities of lupanine were identified as the alkaloid in jackbean. alpha-Galactosides were present in all the legume seeds, stachyose being the predominant galactoside in lima beans, African yam bean and jackbean, and verbascose in pigeon pea [26].
  • 6-phosphate D-Gal and stachyose are 20 times weaker inhibitors than D-Gal for induced CRP mediated agglutination, in contrast, these sugars are only 6 times weaker for CRP(N) [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Stachyose


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