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Gait Disorders, Neurologic

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Disease relevance of Gait Disorders, Neurologic


High impact information on Gait Disorders, Neurologic

  • The disease phenotype in K313 is characterized by hyperreflexia and a spastic gait, but intelligence is normal [5].
  • PMCA2-null mice grow more slowly than heterozygous and wild-type mice and exhibit an unsteady gait and difficulties in maintaining balance [6].
  • Neurologic evaluation 24 h after successful resuscitation revealed only an unsteady gait in all vasopressin-treated animals; after 96 h, magnetic resonance imaging revealed no cerebral pathology [7].
  • Five patients, age 54 to 80 years, presented between 3 weeks and 18 months after symptomatic onset of progressive cognitive decline, psychosis, and unsteady gait that proved to be due to a steroid-responsive nonvasculitic autoimmune inflammatory meningoencephalitic syndrome [8].
  • For many subjects with an SPG3A mutation, spastic gait begins in early childhood and does not significantly worsen even over many years [1].

Chemical compound and disease context of Gait Disorders, Neurologic

  • When compared with control rats, rats with unilateral dopamine depletion displayed a shuffling gait and short stride lengths [9].
  • The technique of polarised light goniometry was used to quantify objectively parameters of the spastic gait during a double-blind cross-over trial comparing the spasmolytic effects of DS103-282, baclofen and placebo [10].
  • 6 h after irradiation, behavioural and histological evaluations revealed that exposure to 2.5 Gy caused hypolocomotion, stumbling gait and somnolence, which was significantly reduced, from the dose of 4 mg/kg i.p. of riluzole [11].
  • Neurologic evaluation 24 h after successful resuscitation revealed only an unsteady gait and was normal 5 days after the experiment in all vasopressin/epinephrine-treated animals [12].
  • Amantadine increases gait steadiness in frontal gait disorder due to subcortical vascular encephalopathy: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial based on quantitative gait analysis [13].

Anatomical context of Gait Disorders, Neurologic


Gene context of Gait Disorders, Neurologic

  • These results suggest that vestibular dysfunction is a symptom that develops very early in MJD and may contribute to unsteady gait as the initial symptom [15].
  • A 63-year-old NPC patient had intermittent dizziness and unsteady gait 3 years after irradiation [16].
  • Treatment with a steroid improved the deep sensory disturbance, unsteady gait, and CRP level [17].


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