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Chemical Compound Review

riluzole     6-(trifluoromethoxy) benzothiazol-2-amine

Synonyms: Rilutek, Riluzol, Riluzolum, Lopac-R-116, CHEMBL744, ...
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Disease relevance of Rilutek


Psychiatry related information on Rilutek


High impact information on Rilutek


Chemical compound and disease context of Rilutek


Biological context of Rilutek

  • Inactivation of dEAAT1 by RNA interference led to characteristic behavior deficits that were significantly rescued by expression of the human glutamate transporter hEAAT2 or the administration in food of riluzole, an anti-excitotoxic agent used in the clinic for human ALS patients [18].
  • CONCLUSION: The pharmacokinetics of riluzole has been characterized in patients during long-term therapy [19].
  • Decrement of the thenar compound muscle action potentials (CMAP), after repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) of the median nerve at 3 Hz, was evaluated in patients with ALS before riluzole therapy [20].
  • Mutants of TREK-1 lacking the Ser residue where the kinase A phosphorylation takes place are activated in a sustained manner by riluzole [21].
  • These results show that the riluzole binding site is on the alpha subunit of the sodium channel, and they suggest that stabilization of the inactivated state may underlie the neuroprotective properties of riluzole [22].

Anatomical context of Rilutek

  • (i) When the oocytes were held at strongly hyperpolarized potentials to close the sodium channels and riluzole was added to the external solution, the current elicited by test depolarizing pulses was reduced within a few minutes and recovered upon washout of the riluzole [22].
  • In the Cox multivariate model, age, progression rate of respiratory, bulbar, and lower limb symptoms, EEDC classification, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, and treatment with riluzole were significantly related to outcome [23].
  • Rapid calpain I activation and cytoskeletal protein degradation following traumatic spinal cord injury: attenuation with riluzole pretreatment [24].
  • DESIGN: Subjects with homozygous deletions of the survival motor neuron gene were recruited from pediatric neuromuscular clinics and randomized in a 2:1 ratio, 2 riluzole to 1 placebo [25].
  • However, in the same cell systems, riluzole induced neuronal and glial cell death with concentrations higher than those needed for maximal protective effects (> or =100 microM:) [26].

Associations of Rilutek with other chemical compounds

  • As with TREK1, TREK2 is activated by the volatile general anesthetics chloroform, halothane, and isoflurane and by the neuroprotective agent riluzole [27].
  • Protection against excitotoxicity could be achieved with a combination of pharmacologic agents having neuroprotective activity, such as antiglutamate agents (e.g., riluzole), N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and non-NMDA antagonists, free-radical scavengers, calcium-channel blockers, and neurotrophic factors [28].
  • Pharmacological blocking agents applied during whole-cell recordings in current-clamp mode demonstrated that the medium AHP conductance (apamin), BK-type Ca2+ -dependent K+ channels (iberiotoxin), voltage-activated Ca2+ channels (CdCl2), M-current (linopirdine) and persistent Na+ currents (riluzole) are all unnecessary for SFA [29].
  • The metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 antagonist MPEP and the Na+ channel blocker riluzole show different neuroprotective profiles in reversing behavioral deficits induced by excitotoxic prefrontal cortex lesions [30].
  • In the second protocol, consisting of 3 injections of MPTP (15 mg/kg i.p.), riluzole, administered 4 times at the dose of 5 mg/kg p.o., had no effect on MPP(+) levels [17].
  • Phosphorylation of GluR1 at the PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase) site (S845) was enhanced in both lamotrigine- and riluzole-treated hippocampal neurons, but reduced in valproate-treated neurons [31].

Gene context of Rilutek


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Rilutek

  • FINDINGS: At the end of the study, after median follow-up of 18 months, 122 (50.4%) placebo-treated patients and 134 (56.8%) of those who received 100 mg/day riluzole were alive without tracheostomy (unadjusted risk 0.79, p = 0.076; adjusted risk 0.65, p = 0.002) [36].
  • Using transcranial magnetic stimulation, the effect of riluzole (RLZ) on cortical excitability was studied in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [37].
  • One early attempt to define disease stages consisted of post-hoc analysis of the international, placebo-controlled, clinical trials of riluzole [38].
  • Riluzole plasma levels were determined by HPLC, and the data were analyzed by nonlinear mixed-effect modeling (NONMEM program) with use of a one-compartment structural model [19].
  • METHODS: Thirteen patients aged between 18 and 65 years with a primary diagnosis of OCD that had proven resistant to standard treatment were treated with the addition of riluzole to their existing pharmacotherapy [8].


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