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Reflex, Babinski

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Disease relevance of Reflex, Babinski


Psychiatry related information on Reflex, Babinski


High impact information on Reflex, Babinski

  • Autosomal dominant pure spastic peraplegia (ADPSP) is a degenerative disorder of the central motor system clinically characterized by slowly progressive and unremitting spasticity of the legs, hyperreflexia and Babinski's sign [7].
  • Babinski's sign in Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque art [8].
  • Pupillary light reaction (6.4 days), Babinski reflex (12.4 days), and Glasgow Coma Score (9.6 days) were the most valuable clinical findings [9].
  • These findings suggest that there is a gradual release or organisation of the reflex flexor synergy of which the Babinski sign is a modified part [10].
  • Other components include tendon hyper-reflexia, clonus, the clasp-knife phenomenon, flexor and extensor spasms, a Babinski sign, and spastic dystonia [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Reflex, Babinski

  • Spasticity, Babinski reflexes, clonus, strength, and coactivation of antagonist muscles during voluntary movement were decreased shortly after baclofen administration began [12].
  • The disappearance of the "spasticity," extensor plantar responses, and extrapyramidal signs, following levodopa therapy, confirmed the diagnosis of doparesponsive dystonia in these patients [13].
  • A striatal toe has been defined as an apparent extensor plantar response, without fanning of the toes, in the absence of any other signs suggesting dysfunction of the cortico-spinal tract [14].

Anatomical context of Reflex, Babinski


Gene context of Reflex, Babinski


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Reflex, Babinski


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