MeSH Review:
- Nucleotide sequence of the gene for the large subunit of Rubisco from Cyanophora paradoxa--phylogenetic implications. Valentin, K., Zetsche, K. Curr. Genet. (1990)
- An ORF323 with homology to crtE, specifying prephytoene pyrophosphate dehydrogenase, is encoded by cyanelle DNA in the eukaryotic alga Cyanophora paradoxa. Michalowski, C.B., Löffelhardt, W., Bohnert, H.J. J. Biol. Chem. (1991)
- A novel allophycocyanin gene (apcD) from Cyanophora paradoxa cyanelles. Michalowski, C.B., Bohnert, H.J., Löffelhardt, W. Nucleic Acids Res. (1990)
- Analyses of ribosomal RNA sequences from glaucocystophyte cyanelles provide new insights into the evolutionary relationships of plastids. Helmchen, T.A., Bhattacharya, D., Melkonian, M. J. Mol. Evol. (1995)
- In vitro synthesis of peptidoglycan precursors modified with N-acetylputrescine by Cyanophora paradoxa cyanelle envelope membranes. Pfanzagl, B., Löffelhardt, W. J. Bacteriol. (1999)
- Ferredoxin and ribosomal protein S10 are encoded on the cyanelle genome of Cyanophora paradoxa. Bryant, D.A., Schluchter, W.M., Stirewalt, V.L. Gene (1991)
- The cyanelle S10 spc ribosomal protein gene operon from Cyanophora paradoxa. Michalowski, C.B., Pfanzagl, B., Löffelhardt, W., Bohnert, H.J. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1990)
- Sequence and characterization of an Ehrlichia chaffeensis gene encoding 314 amino acids highly homologous to the NAD A enzyme. Yu, X.J., Walker, D.H. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. (1997)
- N-acetylputrescine as a characteristic constituent of cyanelle peptidoglycan in glaucocystophyte algae. Pfanzagl, B., Allmaier, G., Schmid, E.R., de Pedro, M.A., Löffelhardt, W. J. Bacteriol. (1996)
- Isolation of a novel carotenoid-rich protein in Cyanophora paradoxa that is immunologically related to the light-harvesting complexes of photosynthetic eukaryotes. Rissler, H.M., Durnford, D.G. Plant Cell Physiol. (2005)
- Further study on polyamines in primitive unicellular eukaryotic algae. Hamana, K., Matsuzaki, S. J. Biochem. (1985)
- ATP citrate lyase in the glaucocystophyte alga Cyanophora paradoxa is a cytosolic enzyme: characterisation of the gene for the large subunit at the cDNA and genomic levels. Ma, Y., Jakowitsch, J., Maier, T.L., Bayer, M.G., Müller, N.E., Schenk, H.E., Löffelhardt, W. Mol. Genet. Genomics (2001)
- The biogenesis of the cyanellae of Cyanophora paradoxa. II. Pulse-labelling of cyanellar polypeptides in the presence of transcriptional and translational inhibitors. Burnap, R.L., Trench, R.K. Proc. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. (1989)
- Evolutionary relationship of psbA genes from cyanobacteria, cyanelles and plastids. Janssen, I., Jakowitsch, J., Michalowski, C.B., Bohnert, H.J., Löffelhardt, W. Curr. Genet. (1989)
- Ribonuclease-P RNA gene of the plastid chromosome from Cyanophora paradoxa. Shevelev, E.L., Bryant, D.A., Löffelhardt, W., Bohnert, H.J. DNA Res. (1995)
- Ribonuclease P from plant nuclei and photosynthetic organelles. Schön, A. Mol. Biol. Rep. (1995)