MeSH Review:
Job Satisfaction
- Preventing nursing burnout: a challenge for liaison psychiatry. Fawzy, F.I., Wellisch, D.K., Pasnau, R.O., Leibowitz, B. General hospital psychiatry. (1983)
- Diagnostic evaluation of low back pain. Carragee, E.J., Hannibal, M. Orthop. Clin. North Am. (2004)
- Endocrine activity in air traffic controllers at work. II. Biological, psychological and work correlates. Rose, R.M., Jenkins, C.D., Hurst, M., Herd, J.A., Hall, R.P. Psychoneuroendocrinology (1982)
- Influence of working conditions on job satisfaction in anaesthetists. Kinzl, J.F., Knotzer, H., Traweger, C., Lederer, W., Heidegger, T., Benzer, A. British journal of anaesthesia. (2005)
- Refining the measurement of physician job satisfaction: results from the Physician Worklife Survey. SGIM Career Satisfaction Study Group. Society of General Internal Medicine. Williams, E.S., Konrad, T.R., Linzer, M., McMurray, J., Pathman, D.E., Gerrity, M., Schwartz, M.D., Scheckler, W.E., Van Kirk, J., Rhodes, E., Douglas, J. Medical care. (1999)
- An analysis of news flow on the nation's nurse shortage. Kalisch, B.J., Kalisch, P.A., Clinton, J. Medical care. (1981)
- GP job satisfaction in 1987, 1990 and 1998: lessons for the future? Sibbald, B., Enzer, I., Cooper, C., Rout, U., Sutherland, V. Family practice. (2000)
- Comparison of stress, job satisfaction, perception of control, and health among district nurses in Stockholm and prewar Zagreb. Tholdy Doncevic, S., Romelsjö, A., Theorell, T. Scandinavian journal of social medicine. (1998)
- Measurement of nurse practitioner job satisfaction in a Midwestern state. Kacel, B., Millar, M., Norris, D. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. (2005)
- Role issues, job satisfaction and unit of assignment. Sowell, R.L., Alexander, J.W. NursingConnections. (1989)
- Identifying sources of stress and job satisfaction in the nursing environment. Healy, C., McKay, M. The Australian journal of advanced nursing : a quarterly publication of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation. (1999)
- Stress in IVF workers. Harris, R.D., Bond, M.J. Clinical reproduction and fertility. (1987)
- Role identity and job satisfaction of community health nurses. Laffrey, S., Dickenson, D., Diem, E. International journal of nursing practice. (1997)
- Family physician job satisfaction in different medical care organization models. García-Peña, C., Reyes-Frausto, S., Reyes-Lagunes, I., Muñoz-Hernández, O. Family practice. (2000)
- Linking the practice environment to nurses' job satisfaction through nurse-physician communication. Manojlovich, M. Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing / Sigma Theta Tau. (2005)
- Job satisfaction correlates among Palestinian nurses in the West Bank. Abu Ajamieh, A.R., Misener, T., Haddock, K.S., Gleaton, J.U. International journal of nursing studies. (1996)
- The psychological health of emergency physicians in Australasia. Taylor, D.M., Pallant, J.F., Crook, H.D., Cameron, P.A. Emergency medicine Australasia : EMA. (2004)
- Relation between Machiavellianism and job satisfaction in a sample of Turkish physicians. Bakir, B., Ozer, M., Uçar, M., Güleç, M., Demir, C., Hasde, M. Psychological reports. (2003)
- Staff satisfaction with work, perceived quality of care and stress in elderly care: psychometric assessments and associations. Engström, M., Ljunggren, B., Lindqvist, R., Carlsson, M. Journal of nursing management. (2006)
- Meta-analysis of the reliability and validity of Part B of the Index of Work Satisfaction across studies. Zangaro, G.A., Soeken, K.L. Journal of nursing measurement. (2005)