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Job Satisfaction

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Psychiatry related information on Job Satisfaction

  • The authors conducted a study to assess and compare the level of job satisfaction among five groups of registered nurses working at UCLA Hospital. Fifty-seven female nurses completed the MMPI, Locus of Control Test, Work Environment Scale, and a questionnaire designed to assess job satisfaction [1].
  • Chronic disabling LBP commonly is confounded by chronic pain, emotional troubles, poor job satisfaction, alcohol and narcotic abuse, and compensation issues, just to identify a few [2].

High impact information on Job Satisfaction

  • For a subgroup of men classified as 'responders', who had significant increases in cortisol parallel with workload, significantly higher scores were found for peer ratings of their work competency, self-reported job satisfaction and their perception of freedom at work provided them by their supervisors [3].
  • RESULTS: Control over work shows a strong effect on job satisfaction in anaesthetists, for example influence on handling tasks (P=0.001), time control (P=0.002) and participation (P=0.001), whereas task demands and task-related problems did not have any effect [4].
  • Refining the measurement of physician job satisfaction: results from the Physician Worklife Survey. SGIM Career Satisfaction Study Group. Society of General Internal Medicine [5].
  • Articles mentioning nurse shortage were more frequently placed on page 1, associated with clinical nursing in hospital settings and explained as the result of maldistribution of nurses, poor salaries, deficient working conditions and lack of job satisfaction [6].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that GP job satisfaction has improved significantly from the low point reached following the introduction of the 1990/1991 NHS reforms, although reported levels of stress in relation to many aspects of work have continued to increase [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Job Satisfaction


Biological context of Job Satisfaction

  • Fifty-nine IVF workers and 32 non-IVF workers (in routine obstetrics and gynaecology) completed a battery of standardized psychological questionnaires on the symptomatology of stress and in addition answered questions on workplace problems and work satisfaction [12].
  • This article reports a descriptive research study of the role identity and job satisfaction of 43 staff community health nurses practicing in home health care, generalized public health nursing, combined public health/home health care (PH/HHC), and specialized programmes [13].

Gene context of Job Satisfaction

  • OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to estimate physician job satisfaction at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the Ministry of Health (SSA) and in the private sector, and to measure the association between these different family medical care organization models [14].
  • Main study instruments were the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II (CWEQ-II), the Practice Environment Scale of the Nursing Work Index (PES-NWI), the ICU Nurse-Physician Questionnaire, and the Index of Work Satisfaction (IWS), Part B [15].
  • Job satisfaction correlates among Palestinian nurses in the West Bank [16].
  • The mean work satisfaction score was 6.3 +/- 2.1 (moderate satisfaction) although 43 (13.3%) had very low scores (1-3) [17].
  • To estimate this association in a sample of Turkish people, 361 physicians were selected among the total number of 5,959 working in Ankara City Center. A self-administered questionnaire including the Mach IV scale and Job Satisfaction scale developed by Kasapoğlu was applied to the subjects [18].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Job Satisfaction


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  2. Diagnostic evaluation of low back pain. Carragee, E.J., Hannibal, M. Orthop. Clin. North Am. (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. Endocrine activity in air traffic controllers at work. II. Biological, psychological and work correlates. Rose, R.M., Jenkins, C.D., Hurst, M., Herd, J.A., Hall, R.P. Psychoneuroendocrinology (1982) [Pubmed]
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  7. GP job satisfaction in 1987, 1990 and 1998: lessons for the future? Sibbald, B., Enzer, I., Cooper, C., Rout, U., Sutherland, V. Family practice. (2000) [Pubmed]
  8. Comparison of stress, job satisfaction, perception of control, and health among district nurses in Stockholm and prewar Zagreb. Tholdy Doncevic, S., Romelsjö, A., Theorell, T. Scandinavian journal of social medicine. (1998) [Pubmed]
  9. Measurement of nurse practitioner job satisfaction in a Midwestern state. Kacel, B., Millar, M., Norris, D. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners. (2005) [Pubmed]
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  20. Meta-analysis of the reliability and validity of Part B of the Index of Work Satisfaction across studies. Zangaro, G.A., Soeken, K.L. Journal of nursing measurement. (2005) [Pubmed]
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