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Gene Review

LBP  -  lipopolysaccharide binding protein

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BPIFD2, Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein
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Disease relevance of LBP

  • In recent studies, we found that LBP also mediates cytokine induction caused by compounds derived from Gram-positive bacteria, including lipoteichoic acid and peptidoglycan fragments [1].
  • In this study, we used an acetate auxotroph of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B to facilitate metabolic labeling of bacterial endotoxin and compared interactions of purified endotoxin aggregates and of membrane-associated endotoxin with LBP, CD14, and endotoxin-responsive cells [2].
  • Both purified endotoxin aggregates and blebs activate monocytes and endothelial cells in a LBP-, CD14-, and TLR4/MD-2-dependent fashion, but the blebs were 3-10-fold less potent when normalized for the amount of endotoxin added [2].
  • Here we show that CD14 and LBP can also bind to lipoteichoic acid from the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis [3].
  • OBJECTIVES: The present in vitro study aimed to investigate the possible effect of LBP and E. coli LPS interaction on the expression of cellular LPS receptors and IL-6 by human gingival fibroblast [4].
  • These data suggest that transcriptional regulation of the LBP gene contributes to the risk for developing GN bacteremia and death after HCT [5].

Psychiatry related information on LBP

  • METHODS: 29 morbidly obese candidates for bariatric surgery with LBP, weight 132.5+/-27 (mean+/-SD) kg and BMI 47.2+/-8.8 kg/m2 were examined for their functional status using psychometric instruments specifically designed to objectively assess the patients' complaints [6].
  • SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: In chronic LBP, the interrelationship between physical impairment, pain, and disability is particularly complicated, due to the influence of various psychological factors and the lack of unequivocal methods for assessing impairment [7].
  • Chronic disabling LBP commonly is confounded by chronic pain, emotional troubles, poor job satisfaction, alcohol and narcotic abuse, and compensation issues, just to identify a few [8].

High impact information on LBP

  • The discovery in 1986 of a plasma protein termed LPS binding protein (LBP) led to the discovery of unanticipated mechanisms of LPS-induced cell activation [9].
  • The importance of the LBP/CD14-dependent pathway has been definitively demonstrated by experiments using immunologic, biochemical, and molecular biologic approaches [10].
  • LBP may control the response to LPS under physiologic conditions by forming high-affinity complexes with LPS that bind to monocytes and macrophages, which then secrete tumor necrosis factor [11].
  • LBP shares sequence identity with another LPS binding protein found in granulocytes, bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein, and with cholesterol ester transport protein of the plasma [11].
  • Complexes of LPS and rsCD14 formed in the absence of LBP or other serum proteins strongly stimulate integrin function on PMN and expression of E-selectin on endothelial cells, demonstrating that LBP is not necessary for CD14-dependent stimulation of cells [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of LBP


Biological context of LBP

  • LPS binding protein (LBP) is an acute-phase protein synthesized predominantly in the liver of the mammalian host [1].
  • The phagocytosis is strictly dependent both on LBP and on CD14 [3].
  • We have analyzed the exon-intron organization of the LBP gene and the nucleotide sequence of its approximately 20 kb spanning 5'- and 3'-untranslated regions [18].
  • The LBP gene includes 15 exons, and the 2-kb promoter contains recognition elements of acute phase-typical reactants and a repetitive 12-mer motif with an as yet unknown protein-binding property [18].
  • These data clearly demonstrate that LBP and CD14/TLR4 engagement is directly involved in LPS-mediated functional activation and innate immune gene expression in chicken heterophils [19].

Anatomical context of LBP

  • The neutrophil granular protein bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI) competes with LBP for endotoxin binding and functions as a molecular antagonist of LBP-endotoxin interactions [20].
  • Furthermore, we were able to show that LBP transfers lipopeptides to CD14 on human monocytes using FACS analysis [1].
  • These data suggest that, upon NTHi infection, low numbers of bacteria binding LBP may activate TLR4-bearing cells, such as alveolar macrophages, and consequently induce an inflammatory response [21].
  • CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that LBP may down-regulate the expression of IL-6 by human gingival fibroblast [4].
  • The expression of LBP was confined to the gingival epithelium, whereas mCD14 was observed around the epithelium-connective tissue interface [22].

Associations of LBP with chemical compounds

  • PLTP mediates the transfer and exchange of phospholipids between lipoprotein particles, whereas LBP transfers bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) either to lipoprotein particles or to CD14, a soluble and cell-surface receptor for LPS [23].
  • Induction of tumor necrosis factor production from monocytes stimulated with mannuronic acid polymers and involvement of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, CD14, and bactericidal/permeability-increasing factor [24].
  • We show that induction of LBP expression is transcriptionally regulated and is dependent on stimulation with IL-1beta, IL-6, and dexamethasone [25].
  • Overall differences in charge and electrostatic potential between BPI and LBP suggest that BPI's bactericidal activity is related to the high positive charge of its NH2-terminal domain [26].
  • On sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide electrophoresis, bovine LBP demonstrated a single band with a molecular mass of 58 kDa [14].

Physical interactions of LBP

  • The serum protein lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) binds to the lipid A component of bacterial endotoxin and facilitates its delivery to the CD14 antigen on the macrophage, where inflammatory cytokines are released and a cascade of host mediators is initiated [20].
  • In contrast, LBP bound to NTHi did not promote any increased signaling mediated by TLR2, compared with NTHi without LBP [21].
  • BPI inhibited the binding of poly(M) to monocytes in the presence of LBP, LBP-sCD14, or 10% human serum [24].
  • BACKGROUND: This study aimed to investigate the interrelationship of in vivo expression of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) and membrane-bound CD14 (mCD14) in human gingival tissues as well as the coexpression of Toll-like receptors (TLR) 2 and 4 in association with periodontal conditions [22].
  • The TNF-alpha production triggered by reference LPS and purified fungal mannans required the presence of LPS-binding protein (LBP), and these responses were inhibited by anti-CD14 and anti-TLR4 antibodies, but not by anti-TLR2 antibody [27].

Regulatory relationships of LBP


Other interactions of LBP

  • TLR4-dependent delivery of endotoxin to human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells and cell activation at picomolar concentrations of endotoxin occurred with the purified endotoxin-MD-2 complex, but not with purified endotoxin aggregates with or without LBP and/or sCD14 [31].
  • Multiple sequence alignment suggested that, in PLTP, a cluster of hydrophobic residues substitutes for a cluster of positively charged residues found on the surface of LBP and BPI, which is critical for interaction with lipopolysaccharides [32].
  • PLTP shares 24% sequence similarity with LBP [23].
  • Detailed sequence comparison revealed a closer relatedness of LBP with PLTP than with CETP as demonstrated by an almost identical intron positioning [18].
  • Levels of LBP in serum and in SF were significantly higher in patients with RA and ReA than in the control group of degenerative arthropathies [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of LBP

  • Physical association of apoA-I, LBP, and FHRP in these particles was further confirmed using double immunodiffusion, and association of LBP and FHRP in plasma was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation [34].
  • Flow cytometry showed that NTHi in the stationary phase bound more LBP than did log-phase bacteria [21].
  • Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein and bactericidal/permeability-increasing factor during hemodialysis: clinical determinants and role of different membranes [35].
  • Furthermore, cloning of the LBP promoter revealed the presence of regulatory elements, including the common APR promoter motif APRE/STAT-3 (acute-phase response element/signal transducer and activator of transcription 3) [25].
  • Isolation by gel filtration of LOS(agg):protein aggregates formed by the interaction of LOS(agg) with either LBP or sCD14 alone revealed that the sequence of LOS-protein interactions as well as the step(s) at which albumin is necessary for the production of bioactive LOS:sCD14 were specific [36].


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