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Disease relevance of Glaucoma


High impact information on Glaucoma


Chemical compound and disease context of Glaucoma

  • By means of radioimmunoassay, the content of endogenous cortisol in the aqueous humour and plasma of 35 patients suffering from various types of glaucomas and 35 cataract patients was determined, and the ratio of the plasma to the aqueous humour cortisol levels was calculated [8].
  • Following the addition of dorzolamide as adjunctive therapy to timolol maleate there was a significant reduction in IOP (p < 0.05) at all time points in both glaucomas, but mean IOP at 10:00, 14:00, 18:00 and 22:00 hour time points, as well as the peak and range of IOP, remained higher in the exfoliation glaucoma group [9].
  • The immediate response in applanation pressure to intravenous acetazolamide in primary glaucomas and glaucoma suspects [10].
  • One hundred and ninety such patients with a wide range of glaucomas were observed during transfer to treatment with timolol maleate [11].
  • Experience with management of glaucomas by isoglaucon [12].

Biological context of Glaucoma

  • In the developmental glaucomas, mutations in the PITX2 gene on chromosome 4q25 have been associated with Rieger syndrome, iris hypoplasia, and iridogoniodysgenesis [13].

Gene context of Glaucoma

  • ABC of eyes. The glaucomas [14].
  • The behavior of the model indicates not only that the forces involved in the development of progressive myopia, but those of pre- and post-trabecular glaucomas could be studied and related with such an analog model, supporting the author's feelings that many medical problems could be successfully explained by engineering methods and techniques [15].
  • The highest prevalence of glaucomas in 1994-2002 by breed included: American Cocker Spaniel (5.52%); Basset Hound (5.44%); Chow Chow (4.70%); Shar-Pei (4.40%); Boston Terrier (2.88%); Wire Fox Terrier (2.28%); Norwegian ElkHound (1.98%); Siberian Husky (1.88%); Cairn Terrier (1.82%); and Miniature Poodle (1.68%) [16].
  • Surgical management of the secondary glaucomas: Part I [17].


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  3. A common gene for juvenile and adult-onset primary open-angle glaucomas confined on chromosome 1q. Morissette, J., Côté, G., Anctil, J.L., Plante, M., Amyot, M., Héon, E., Trope, G.E., Weissenbach, J., Raymond, V. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1995) [Pubmed]
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  7. A randomized study of trabeculectomy and subconjunctival administration of fluorouracil in primary glaucomas. Ophir, A., Ticho, U. Arch. Ophthalmol. (1992) [Pubmed]
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  9. Twenty-four hour control of intraocular pressure with dorzolamide and timolol maleate in exfoliation and primary open-angle glaucoma. Konstas, A.G., Maltezos, A., Bufidis, T., Hudgins, A.G., Stewart, W.C. Eye (London, England) (2000) [Pubmed]
  10. The immediate response in applanation pressure to intravenous acetazolamide in primary glaucomas and glaucoma suspects. Nissen, O.I. Acta ophthalmologica. (1975) [Pubmed]
  11. Transfer to timolol: selective use of a new mode of therapy. Cher, I. Australian journal of ophthalmology. (1980) [Pubmed]
  12. Experience with management of glaucomas by isoglaucon. Rozsíval, P., Hrochovà, J., Rehák, S. Ophthalmologica (1980) [Pubmed]
  13. Glaucoma genetics: where are we? Where will we go? Craig, J.E., Mackey, D.A. Current opinion in ophthalmology. (1999) [Pubmed]
  14. ABC of eyes. The glaucomas. Elkington, A.R., Khaw, P.T. BMJ (1988) [Pubmed]
  15. Mechanical analog for the study of the internal forces of the eye. Arciniegas, A., Amaya, L.E. Ophthalmologica (1980) [Pubmed]
  16. Prevalence of the breed-related glaucomas in pure-bred dogs in North America. Gelatt, K.N., MacKay, E.O. Veterinary ophthalmology. (2004) [Pubmed]
  17. Surgical management of the secondary glaucomas: Part I. Katz, L.J., Spaeth, G.L. Ophthalmic surgery. (1987) [Pubmed]
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