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Chemical Compound Review

Tbdmp cpd     2,3- bis(butanoylsulfanyl)propyl butanoate

Synonyms: AG-J-68432, AC1L4XIH, LS-48186, CTK5A8290, AR-1D2411, ...
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Disease relevance of Dimercaprol butyrate


High impact information on Dimercaprol butyrate


Biological context of Dimercaprol butyrate


Associations of Dimercaprol butyrate with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Dimercaprol butyrate

  • Trypsin or plasmin treatment of PAPP-A resulted in the generation of a major 85 kDa component and the rapid cleavage of internal thiol esters [19].
  • The preparations contain functionally intact beta-cysteinyl-gamma-glutamyl thiol esters, located in the same nonapeptide sequence as found in alpha 2M, and form complexes with a variety of proteinases in which a large fraction of the proteinase is bound covalently [20].
  • Thus, the polar environment around substituents on the acyl group is the same for carboxylic acids, thiol esters, and oxygen esters [21].
  • Recently it has been shown that nucleophilic cleavage of the four thiol esters in alpha 2M is a reversible process with energy requirements dependent on the nucleophile [Grøn, H., Thøgersen, I. B., Enghild, J. J., and Pizzo, S. V. (1996) Biochem. J. 318, 539-545] [22].
  • In both, BAL-tributyrate is used as substrate, in combination with serum esterase inhibitors and a chromogenic reagent for the SH group of the liberated BAL [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dimercaprol butyrate


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