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Chemical Compound Review

thioglycolate     2-sulfanylethanoic acid

Synonyms: sJPhLPDIKTp@, Thiovanic acid, CHEMBL116455, NSC-1894, ACMC-1BG92, ...
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Psychiatry related information on AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE

  • The plasma antidiuretic activity after copulation was abolished after thioglycolate treatment which inactivates the neurohypophysial hormones [6].

High impact information on AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE


Chemical compound and disease context of AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE

  • Intravenous 4'-chlorodiazepam (5 mg/kg of body weight) significantly suppressed LPS (100-micrograms)-induced TNF activity of sera (2 h postchallenge with LPS) from thioglycolate-treated mice [12].
  • We examined the mechanism by which Polyriboinosinic:Polyribocytidylic acid (Poly I:C) augments resistance of thioglycolate-elicited inflammatory macrophages to infection with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) [13].
  • Cholesterol-containing thioglycolate broth plus purified plasmenylethanolamine or its 2-lyso derivative supported growth of Eubacterium ATCC 21408 and a cholesterol-reducing Eubacterium isolated from baboon feces [14].
  • The authors examined 121 strains of bacteria isolated from clinical specimens representing 13 species or groups that cause meningitis and arthritis for growth in supplemented Thioglycolate broth (THIO), Supplemented Peptone Broth (SPB), and minced beef heart (MBH) media each alone or with added IsoVitaleX [15].
  • These strains, unlike all other strains of the species of the genus Meiothermus examined previously, required cysteine, thiosulfate, or thioglycolate for growth in liquid Thermus medium, but not in the corresponding medium solidified with agar [16].

Biological context of AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE


Anatomical context of AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE


Associations of AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE with other chemical compounds




Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE


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