Chemical Compound Review:
THULIUM thulium
tulio, Thulium-169, AGN-PC-007WXJ, THULIUM 99.9%, AG-L-19288, ...
- Thulium fiber laser lithotripsy: an in vitro analysis of stone fragmentation using a modulated 110-watt Thulium fiber laser at 1.94 microm. Fried, N.M. Lasers in surgery and medicine. (2005)
- High-power laser vaporization of the canine prostate using a 110 W Thulium fiber laser at 1.91 microm. Fried, N.M. Lasers in surgery and medicine. (2005)
- Office-based and microlaryngeal applications of a fiber-based thulium laser. Zeitels, S.M., Burns, J.A., Akst, L.M., Hillman, R.E., Broadhurst, M.S., Anderson, R.R. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. (2006)
- NMR structure of the R-module: a parallel beta-roll subunit from an Azotobacter vinelandii mannuronan C-5 epimerase. Aachmann, F.L., Svanem, B.I., Güntert, P., Petersen, S.B., Valla, S., Wimmer, R. J. Biol. Chem. (2006)
- Common cortical network for first and second pain. Forss, N., Raij, T.T., Seppä, M., Hari, R. Neuroimage (2005)
- Assignment strategy for fast relaxing signals: complete aminoacid identification in thulium substituted calbindin D 9K. Balayssac, S., Jiménez, B., Piccioli, M. J. Biomol. NMR (2006)
- Thulium binding to the pancreatic beta-cell membrane. Flatt, P.R., Gylfe, E., Hellman, B. Endocrinology (1981)
- Scalp topography of ultralate (C-fibres) evoked potentials following thulium YAG laser stimuli to tiny skin surface areas in humans. Opsommer, E., Weiss, T., Miltner, W.H., Plaghki, L. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. (2001)
- High-power thulium fiber laser ablation of urinary tissues at 1.94 microm. Fried, N.M., Murray, K.E. J. Endourol. (2005)
- THC:YAG nasolacrimal duct recanalization. Silkiss, R.Z. Ophthalmic surgery. (1993)
- Subconjunctival THC:YAG ("holmium") laser thermal sclerostomy ab externo. A one-year report. Iwach, A.G., Hoskins, H.D., Drake, M.V., Dickens, C.J. Ophthalmology (1993)
- In vivo studies of cellular energy state, pH, and sodium in rat liver after thermal injury. Xia, Z.F., Horton, J.W., Zhao, P.Y., Bansal, N., Babcock, E.E., Sherry, A.D., Malloy, C.R. J. Appl. Physiol. (1994)
- Effects of interstimulus interval on cortical responses to painful laser stimulation. Raij, T.T., Vartiainen, N.V., Jousmäki, V., Hari, R. Journal of clinical neurophysiology : official publication of the American Electroencephalographic Society. (2003)
- Sensitivity of laser-evoked potentials versus somatosensory evoked potentials in patients with multiple sclerosis. Spiegel, J., Hansen, C., Baumgärtner, U., Hopf, H.C., Treede, R.D. Clinical neurophysiology : official journal of the International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. (2003)
- Dynamic sodium chemical shift imaging for the study of aqueous humor flow. Weinberg, D.V., Kolodny, N.H., Kohler, S.J., Burr, T.A., Celi, A., D'Amico, D.J., Gragoudas, E.S. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1991)
- Subconjunctival THC:YAG laser thermal sclerostomy. Hoskins, H.D., Iwach, A.G., Vassiliadis, A., Drake, M.V., Hennings, D.R. Ophthalmology (1991)