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Chemical Compound Review

isoflurane     2-chloro-2-(difluoromethoxy)- 1,1,1...

Synonyms: Aerrane, Terrell, Forane, Forene, IsoFlo, ...
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Disease relevance of isoflurane

  • The effects of Forane anesthesia for deep surface hypothermia with 30 minutes of total circulatory occlusion were evaluated [1].
  • In the ISO group, at pre-DEX, CBF increased from 86 +/- 8 to 166 +/- 19 mL.min-1.100 g-1 in response to hypercapnia (PCO2 approximately 90 mmHg).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[2]
  • Enflurane (Ethrane) and isoflurane (Forane): a comparison with nine general anaesthetics administered with passive hyperventilation [3].
  • This study provides first evidence that pretreatment with the nontoxic and clinically approved anesthetic isoflurane induces hepatic HO-1 expression, and thereby protects rat livers from ischemia/reperfusion injury [4].

High impact information on isoflurane


  1. The use of Forane anesthesia for surface-induced deep hypothermia. Sato, S., Vanini, V., Sands, M.P., Wong, K.C., Mohri, H., Merendino, K.A. Ann. Thorac. Surg. (1975) [Pubmed]
  2. Alpha 2-adrenergic agonist effects on normocapnic and hypercapnic cerebral blood flow in the dog are anesthetic dependent. Fale, A., Kirsch, J.R., McPherson, R.W. Anesth. Analg. (1994) [Pubmed]
  3. Enflurane (Ethrane) and isoflurane (Forane): a comparison with nine general anaesthetics administered with passive hyperventilation. Dobkin, A.B., Byles, P.H., Africa, B.F., Levy, A.A. Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal. (1976) [Pubmed]
  4. Heme oxygenase-1 induction by the clinically used anesthetic isoflurane protects rat livers from ischemia/reperfusion injury. Schmidt, R., Tritschler, E., Hoetzel, A., Loop, T., Humar, M., Halverscheid, L., Geiger, K.K., Pannen, B.H. Ann. Surg. (2007) [Pubmed]
  5. Responses of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and renin-angiotensin axes and the sympathetic system during controlled surgical and anesthetic stress. Udelsman, R., Norton, J.A., Jelenich, S.E., Goldstein, D.S., Linehan, W.M., Loriaux, D.L., Chrousos, G.P. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1987) [Pubmed]
  6. Optical method for monitoring the concentration of general anesthetics and other small organic molecules. An example of phase transition sensing. Merlo, S., Yager, P. Anal. Chem. (1990) [Pubmed]
  7. Concentrations of anaesthetic gases in hospital operating theatres. Sitarek, K., Wesołowski, W., Kucharska, M., Celichowski, G. International journal of occupational medicine and environmental health. (2000) [Pubmed]
  8. Effect on isoflurane anaesthesia and surgery on thyroid function in man. Oyama, T., Latto, P., Holaday, D.A., Chang, H. Canadian Anaesthetists' Society journal. (1975) [Pubmed]
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