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Gene Review

Sle3  -  systemic lupus erythmatosus susceptibility 3

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of Sle3


High impact information on Sle3


Biological context of Sle3

  • B6.NZMc7 mice are C57BL/6 (B6) mice congenic for the NZM2410-derived chromosome 7 susceptibility interval, bearing Sle3 [8].
  • In vitro, Sle3-bearing T cells show stronger proliferation, increased expansion of CD4+ T cells, and reduced apoptosis (with or without anti-Fas) following stimulation with anti-CD3 [8].
  • We previously produced three congenic strains carrying lupus susceptibility genes (Sle1-Sle3) from the lupus-prone NZM2410 mouse on the C57BL/6 background and characterized their component phenotypes [2].

Anatomical context of Sle3

  • Thus, the NZM2410 allele of Sle3 appears to impact generalized T cell activation, and this may be causally related to the low grade, polyclonal serum autoantibodies seen in this strain [8].
  • Previous studies have shown the Sle1 locus is associated with a reduced number of regulatory T cells (Treg) and that Sle3 results in intrinsic defects of myeloid cells that hyperactivate T cells [9].

Other interactions of Sle3

  • In contrast, two locus combinations of Sle2, Sle3, and yaa failed to mediate fatal disease [2].
  • Taken together, on the nonautoimmune background, Sle3/5 affected V(H)DJ(H) junctional diversity and V(H) mutational diversity and led to recombinational activation of allelically excluded IgH genes in the periphery [10].
  • On the non-autoimmune C57BL/6 (B6) background, the chromosome 7-derived lupus susceptibility loci Sle3 and Sle5 have been shown to mediate an elevated CD4:CD8 ratio with an increase in activated CD4(+) T cells, decreased susceptibility to apoptosis, and a break in humoral tolerance [4].
  • We examined rearrangements from pre-B cells, marginal zone B cells, and follicular B cells from mice congenic for the Lbw5 (Sle3/5) lupus susceptibility loci and from other strains of mice and found very few examples of CDR3 with D-D rearrangements [11].
  • Sle3/5 is a lupus susceptibility locus identified on mouse chromosome 7 of the New Zealand Black/New Zealand White (NZB/NZW)-derived NZM2410 strain [10].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Sle3


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  4. Genetic dissection of systemic lupus erythematosus pathogenesis: evidence for functional expression of Sle3/5 by non-T cells. Sobel, E.S., Morel, L., Baert, R., Mohan, C., Schiffenbauer, J., Wakeland, E.K. J. Immunol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. The lupus-susceptibility locus, Sle3, mediates enhanced resistance to bacterial infections. Mehrad, B., Park, S.J., Akangire, G., Standiford, T.J., Wu, T., Zhu, J., Mohan, C. J. Immunol. (2006) [Pubmed]
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  7. Cutting edge: lupus susceptibility interval Sle3/5 confers responsiveness to prolactin in C57BL/6 mice. Peeva, E., Gonzalez, J., Hicks, R., Diamond, B. J. Immunol. (2006) [Pubmed]
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  11. Paucity of V-D-D-J rearrangements and VH replacement events in lupus prone and nonautoimmune TdT-/- and TdT+/+ mice. Watson, L.C., Moffatt-Blue, C.S., McDonald, R.Z., Kompfner, E., Ait-Azzouzene, D., Nemazee, D., Theofilopoulos, A.N., Kono, D.H., Feeney, A.J. J. Immunol. (2006) [Pubmed]
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