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Gene Review

Slc22a8  -  solute carrier family 22 (organic anion...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: OAT3, Oat3, Organic anion transporter 3, Reduced in osteosclerosis transporter, Roct, ...
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Disease relevance of Slc22a8


High impact information on Slc22a8


Biological context of Slc22a8

  • These results indicate that the transport properties and tissue distribution of Roct are similar to those of OAT3, suggesting that Roct functions as mouse OAT3 [2].
  • Unlike many other slc22 genes, OAT6 is unpaired in the genome, although it is in proximity to the OAT1/OAT3 gene pair [5].
  • The substrate specificity of rat Oat3 and human Oat3 has been elucidated; information on mouse Oat3 (mOat3) is less defined [6].

Anatomical context of Slc22a8

  • These results suggest that AR is involved in the functional regulation of OAT3 at the BBB, but not at the inner blood-retinal barrier (iBRB), and this regulation is not affected by gender [7].

Associations of Slc22a8 with chemical compounds

  • In the kidney, NKT (OAT1), OCT1, and Roct transcripts appeared at midgestation, coinciding with proximal tubule differentiation, and gradually increased during nephron maturation [8].
  • In contrast, only a 33% reduction in estrone sulfate uptake was observed in tissue from Oat3-null mice and, surprisingly, no reduction in taurocholate uptake could be detected [9].
  • For PAH, FL, and estrone sulfate, all Oat3-mediated transport was Na dependent [9].
  • Because organic anion transporters (OATs) facilitate the renal secretion of weak organic acids, we investigated whether the secretion of bioactive tryptophan metabolites is mediated by OAT1 and OAT3, two prominent members of the OAT family [10].
  • [(3)H]Benzylpenicillin uptake by Roct was inhibited by OAT3 substrates and inhibitors, and by sulfate or glucuronide conjugates, and compounds involved in bone turnover [2].


  1. A novel putative transporter maps to the osteosclerosis (oc) mutation and is not expressed in the oc mutant mouse. Brady, K.P., Dushkin, H., Förnzler, D., Koike, T., Magner, F., Her, H., Gullans, S., Segre, G.V., Green, R.M., Beier, D.R. Genomics (1999) [Pubmed]
  2. Mouse reduced in osteosclerosis transporter functions as an organic anion transporter 3 and is localized at abluminal membrane of blood-brain barrier. Ohtsuki, S., Kikkawa, T., Mori, S., Hori, S., Takanaga, H., Otagiri, M., Terasaki, T. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. Impaired organic anion transport in kidney and choroid plexus of organic anion transporter 3 (Oat3 (Slc22a8)) knockout mice. Sweet, D.H., Miller, D.S., Pritchard, J.B., Fujiwara, Y., Beier, D.R., Nigam, S.K. J. Biol. Chem. (2002) [Pubmed]
  4. Transport of organic anions across the basolateral membrane of proximal tubule cells. Burckhardt, B.C., Burckhardt, G. Rev. Physiol. Biochem. Pharmacol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  5. Identification of a novel murine organic anion transporter family member, OAT6, expressed in olfactory mucosa. Monte, J.C., Nagle, M.A., Eraly, S.A., Nigam, S.K. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2004) [Pubmed]
  6. Renal transport of organic compounds mediated by mouse organic anion transporter 3 (mOat3): further substrate specificity of mOat3. Kobayashi, Y., Ohshiro, N., Tsuchiya, A., Kohyama, N., Ohbayashi, M., Yamamoto, T. Drug Metab. Dispos. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Dominant expression of androgen receptors and their functional regulation of organic anion transporter 3 in rat brain capillary endothelial cells; comparison of gene expression between the blood-brain and -retinal barriers. Ohtsuki, S., Tomi, M., Hata, T., Nagai, Y., Hori, S., Mori, S., Hosoya, K., Terasaki, T. J. Cell. Physiol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  8. Developmentally regulated expression of organic ion transporters NKT (OAT1), OCT1, NLT (OAT2), and Roct. Pavlova, A., Sakurai, H., Leclercq, B., Beier, D.R., Yu, A.S., Nigam, S.K. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  9. Organic anion transport in choroid plexus from wild-type and organic anion transporter 3 (Slc22a8)-null mice. Sykes, D., Sweet, D.H., Lowes, S., Nigam, S.K., Pritchard, J.B., Miller, D.S. Am. J. Physiol. Renal Physiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  10. Murine renal organic anion transporters mOAT1 and mOAT3 facilitate the transport of neuroactive tryptophan metabolites. Bahn, A., Ljubojevic, M., Lorenz, H., Schultz, C., Ghebremedhin, E., Ugele, B., Sabolic, I., Burckhardt, G., Hagos, Y. Am. J. Physiol., Cell Physiol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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