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Chemical Compound Review

Probecid     4-(dipropylsulfamoyl)benzoic acid

Synonyms: Benecid, Benemid, Benuryl, probenecid, Pro-Cid, ...
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Disease relevance of Ethamide


Psychiatry related information on Ethamide


High impact information on Ethamide


Chemical compound and disease context of Ethamide


Biological context of Ethamide

  • Quinine sulphate prevented the probenecid effect but had no effect on zidovudine kinetics when taken without probenecid by four other subjects [15].
  • This dye movement was not appreciably delayed by pretreatment of cells with 5 mM probenecid or chilling the monolayer to 5 degrees C, suggesting that dye movement was due to passive permeation through a membrane pore rather than active transport [20].
  • Moreover, kinetic analysis of inhibition by probenecid suggests that it is competitive with respect to either OH- or Cl-. These results suggest that anions and the anion transport system may play a role in exocytosis of a polypeptide hormone [21].
  • Furthermore, the pHi recovery following NH4Cl exposure was accelerated by isoproterenol in the presence of probenecid, indicating that the Na(+)-HCO3- cotransport and/or the Na(+)-H+ antiport also could be activated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[22]
  • Cell death was specific as it was also present in a human proximal tubular epithelial cell line (HK-2), but not in a human kidney fibroblast cell line, and was prevented by probenecid [23].

Anatomical context of Ethamide

  • We found that probenecid also reversibly inhibited sequestration of dye, indicating that sequestration of dye within cytoplasmic vacuoles was also mediated by organic anion transporters [24].
  • Central nervous system metabolism in six children and one adult with the syndrome of chronic multiple tics was studied by measuring the accumulation of acid metabolites of dopamine and serotonin (homovanillic acid [HVA] and 5-hydroxyindole-acetic acid [5-HIAA], respectively) in the CSF following probenecid administration [5].
  • Disodium 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonate (SITS) and probenecid, which are known to block anion transport in the erythrocyte, also cause a dose-dependent 90%-100% inhibition of release [21].
  • Therefore, LTC4 export from cells of bone marrow origin occurs through a probenecid-sensitive membrane carrier shared by other glutathione conjugates and distinct from the LTB4 carrier export system [25].
  • When cells preloaded with LTC4 were resuspended in incremental concentrations of the organic acid transport inhibitor, probenecid, there was a dose-dependent decrease in LTC4 release; GS-DNP and probenecid inhibited LTC4 release in a cumulative fashion, whereas neither inhibited the release of LTB4 from preloaded nondifferentiated HL-60 cells [25].

Associations of Ethamide with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Ethamide

  • We evaluated the activity of these drugs in combination with PSC833, a P-gp inhibitor, and/or probenecid, an MRP1 inhibitor [31].
  • Moreover, coadministration of probenecid and other MRP2-stimulating drugs might lead to unforeseen drug-drug interactions by stimulating MRP2 function, potentially leading to suboptimal levels of taxanes and other anticancer drugs in plasma and tumor [32].
  • DESIGN AND METHODS: MRD cells were identified using leukemia-associated phenotypes combined with a fluorescent probe assay with substrate/modulator: Syto16/ PSC833 (Pgp), calcein-AM/probenecid (MRP) and BODIPY-prazosin/Ko143 (BCRP); efflux profiles were directly compared with blasts at diagnosis and relapse from the same patient [33].
  • This effect of probenecid on MDR was associated with an increased accumulation of DNR and VCR and correction of the altered subcellular distribution of DNR [34].
  • The K(i) value of probenecid for hOAT3, but not for hOATP1B3, was significantly lower than the maximum unbound plasma concentration of probenecid at clinical dosages [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ethamide


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