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Gene Review

ZFX  -  zinc finger protein, X-linked

Bos taurus

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High impact information on ZFX

  • Comparison of substitution rates in ZFX and ZFY introns of sheep and goat related species supports the hypothesis of male-biased mutation rates [1].
  • G6PD, HPRT and ZFX transcripts were noted in all pre-compaction stage embryos and in female and male blastocysts [2].
  • The expression of ZFX was also significantly higher in female than in male blastocysts [2].
  • ZFY is highly homologous with ZFX and, as a result, ZFY could be mapped simultaneously [3].
  • The bovine ZFX consisted of 5328 bp and encoded 800 amino acid residues, which contained 13 zinc finger motifs [3].

Biological context of ZFX


Associations of ZFX with chemical compounds


Other interactions of ZFX

  • ZFY and ZFX transcripts were present in all stages examined following RT-PCR, whereas transcripts for SRY were undetectable in all investigated stages following either RT nested PCR or Southern analysis [7].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ZFX


  1. Comparison of substitution rates in ZFX and ZFY introns of sheep and goat related species supports the hypothesis of male-biased mutation rates. Lawson, L.J., Hewitt, G.M. J. Mol. Evol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. Sex-chromosome linked gene expression in in-vitro produced bovine embryos. Peippo, J., Farazmand, A., Kurkilahti, M., Markkula, M., Basrur, P.K., King, W.A. Mol. Hum. Reprod. (2002) [Pubmed]
  3. Cloning and mapping of bovine ZFX gene to the long arm of the X-chromosome (Xq34) and homologous mapping of ZFY gene to the distal region of the short arm of the bovine (Yp13), ovine (Yp12-p13), and caprine (Yp12-p13) Y chromosome. Xiao, C., Tsuchiya, K., Sutou, S. Mamm. Genome (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. PCR-sexing of bovine embryos: A simplified protocol. Bredbacka, P., Kankaanpää, A., Peippo, J. Theriogenology (1995) [Pubmed]
  5. Multiple genotype analysis and sexing of IVF bovine embryos. Hochman, D., Zaron, Y., Dekel, I., Feldmesser, E., Medrano, J.F., Shani, M., Ron, M. Theriogenology (1996) [Pubmed]
  6. Sex determination in spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta ) by restriction fragment length polymorphism of amplified ZFX/ZFY loci. Schwerin, M., Pitra, C. Theriogenology (1994) [Pubmed]
  7. Transcription of Y- and X-linked genes in preimplantation ovine embryos. Bernardi, M.L., Cotinot, C., Payen, E., Delouis, C. Mol. Reprod. Dev. (1996) [Pubmed]
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