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Gene Review

FOXN1  -  forkhead box N1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FKHL20, Forkhead box protein N1, RONU, WHN, Winged-helix transcription factor nude
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Disease relevance of FOXN1


High impact information on FOXN1


Biological context of FOXN1

  • Genetic alterations of the FOXN1 transcription factor, selectively expressed in thymic epithelia and skin, are responsible in both mice and humans for the Nude/SCID phenotype [1].
  • To confirm the ancestral origin of the mutation we genotyped two microsatellite markers, D17S2187 and D17S1880, flanking the FOXN1 gene on chromosome 17 [1].
  • Here, we identified and characterized the FOXN5 gene, a novel member of FOXN gene family, by using bioinformatics [6].
  • The recently isolated human WHN gene has been previously assigned to chromosome 17q11-12 using radiation hybrids [7].
  • We also identified a new mononucleotide polymorphism contained within the untranslated exon 1 of the WHN gene, which may be useful for linkage and LOH studies [7].

Anatomical context of FOXN1

  • On the other hand, the expression of Foxn1 was not detectable in a large number of post-natal thymic epithelial cells [5].

Associations of FOXN1 with chemical compounds

  • By ordering known and novel markers, we determined the position of the WHN gene, and of the closely linked retinal 4 and sodium/dicarboxylate cotransporter genes [7].

Regulatory relationships of FOXN1


Other interactions of FOXN1

  • FOXN4 and FOXN1 showed 41.3% total-amino-acid identity [8].
  • Accumulating expression profile data suggest that CHES1 plays a role in tumorigenicity and responses to cancer treatments, though nothing is known regarding the transcriptional function of CHES1 or other FOXN proteins in human cells [9].
  • Expression of Dll4 and CCL25 in Foxn1-negative epithelial cells in the post-natal thymus [5].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FOXN1

  • We used the RT-PCR technique for the detection of WHN transcripts in normal human organs and various mediastinal tumors, including various subtypes of thymic epithelial tumors [2].


  1. Ancestral founder mutation of the nude (FOXN1) gene in congenital severe combined immunodeficiency associated with alopecia in southern Italy population. Adriani, M., Martinez-Mir, A., Fusco, F., Busiello, R., Frank, J., Telese, S., Matrecano, E., Ursini, M.V., Christiano, A.M., Pignata, C. Ann. Hum. Genet. (2004) [Pubmed]
  2. Transcription of the nude gene (WHN) in human normal organs and mediastinal and pulmonary tumors. Gattenlöhner, S., Müller-Hermelink, H.K., Marx, A. Pathol. Res. Pract. (1999) [Pubmed]
  3. Human equivalent of the mouse Nude/SCID phenotype: long-term evaluation of immunologic reconstitution after bone marrow transplantation. Pignata, C., Gaetaniello, L., Masci, A.M., Frank, J., Christiano, A., Matrecano, E., Racioppi, L. Blood (2001) [Pubmed]
  4. Forkhead transcription factors in immunology. Jonsson, H., Peng, S.L. Cell. Mol. Life Sci. (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. Expression of Dll4 and CCL25 in Foxn1-negative epithelial cells in the post-natal thymus. Itoi, M., Tsukamoto, N., Amagai, T. Int. Immunol. (2007) [Pubmed]
  6. Identification and characterization of human FOXN5 and rat Foxn5 genes in silico. Katoh, M., Katoh, M. Int. J. Oncol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. Mapping of human WHN gene in a 17q11.2 YAC contig and identification of an intragenic STR. Corrado, L., Colapietro, P., Larizza, L., Riva, P. Mol. Cell. Probes (1999) [Pubmed]
  8. Characterization of human FOXN4 gene in silico. Katoh, M., Katoh, M. Int. J. Mol. Med. (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. CHES1/FOXN3 interacts with Ski-interacting protein and acts as a transcriptional repressor. Scott, K.L., Plon, S.E. Gene (2005) [Pubmed]
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