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Chemical Compound Review

malonate     propanedioic acid

Synonyms: malons, Dicarboxylate, H2malo, CHEMBL7942, malonic acid, ...
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Disease relevance of propanedioic acid


Psychiatry related information on propanedioic acid

  • In the present study we examined the effects of a glutamate transporter inhibitor, L-trans-2,4-pyrrolidine dicarboxylate (L-trans-2,4-PDC), on memory formation in the honeybee following a three-trial classical conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex (PER) [5].

High impact information on propanedioic acid

  • There is also circumstantial evidence that metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) may be involved in LTP because the specific mGluR agonist aminocyclopentane dicarboxylate can augment tetanus-induced LTP2 and, under certain circumstances, can itself induce a slow-onset potentiation [6].
  • Sequence analysis revealed that the product of this gene, named Indy (for I'm not dead yet), is most closely related to a mammalian sodium dicarboxylate cotransporter-a membrane protein that transports Krebs cycle intermediates [7].
  • Analysis of the bacterial genome sequences shows that many human and animal pathogens encode primary membrane Na+ pumps, Na+-transporting dicarboxylate decarboxylases or Na+ translocating NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, and a number of Na+ -dependent permeases [8].
  • Molecular and functional analysis of SDCT2, a novel rat sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporter [9].
  • Kidney proximal tubule cells take up Krebs cycle intermediates for metabolic purposes and for secretion of organic anions through dicarboxylate/organic anion exchange [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of propanedioic acid


Biological context of propanedioic acid

  • This phenotype was partially rescued by malonic acid, indicating that reactive oxygen species generated by the electron transport chain contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction in abf2 Delta strains [15].
  • However, the stable dicarboxylate chelate ring structure of CBDCA results in kinetics that differ significantly from those of DDP, due to slower hydrolysis to the active species [16].
  • This decreased reactivity may be due in part to the presence of a stable bidentate dicarboxylate chelate ring structure of CBDCA resulting in a much slower rate of hydrolysis to the active form of the drug [17].
  • Pharmacokinetics of cis-diammine-1,1-cyclobutane dicarboxylate platinum(II) in patients with normal and impaired renal function [18].
  • However, NaDC-1 contains a single high affinity binding site for Li+ that, when occupied, results in transport inhibition, which may account for its potent inhibitory effects on renal dicarboxylate transport [19].

Anatomical context of propanedioic acid

  • In isolated mitochondria, mersalyl, an inhibitor of both the phosphate/hydroxyl and phosphate/dicarboxylate mitochondrial carriers, inhibited the phosphate-induced stimulation, indicating that phosphate must enter the mitochondrion for stimulation [20].
  • In situ hybridization revealed that SDCT2 is prominently expressed in kidney proximal tubule S3 segments and in perivenous hepatocytes, consistent with the sites of high-affinity dicarboxylate transport identified based on vesicle studies [9].
  • Glutamate removal is linked to phosphate-induced dicarboxylate exit across the mitochondrial membrane [20].
  • One type of interneuron was strongly excited by 1S,3R-aminocyclopentane dicarboxylic acid (ACPD), responding with a large inward current accompanied by increased baseline noise and prominent current oscillations [21].
  • The effects of two second generation platinum drugs, cis-diammine-1, 1-cyclobutane dicarboxylate platinum(II) and cis-dichloro-trans-dihydroxybis(isopropylammine)platinum(IV) , were studied on thymocyte nucleosomes, calf thymus DNA, and intact murine thymocytes [22].

Associations of propanedioic acid with other chemical compounds


Gene context of propanedioic acid

  • We report the experimental determination of a crystal structure at 2.1 A resolution of the recombinant human mitochondrial HMG-CoA lyase containing a bound activator cation and the dicarboxylic acid 3-hydroxyglutarate [28].
  • Identification of dicarboxylate carrier Slc25a10 as malate transporter in de novo fatty acid synthesis [29].
  • The narrow substrate specificity prevents interaction of drugs with dicarboxylate-like structure with hNaDC-3 and ensures sufficient support of the proximal tubule cells with alpha-ketoglutarate for anion secretion via organic anion transporter 1 or 3 [30].
  • Organic anion transporter 3 (Slc22a8) is a dicarboxylate exchanger indirectly coupled to the Na+ gradient [31].
  • Growth tests and transport studies with mutants containing insertionally inactivated chromosomal dcuA and dcuB genes show that their products perform analogous and mutually complementary roles as anaerobic dicarboxylate carriers [32].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of propanedioic acid


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