Gene Review:
LOS1 - Los1p
Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c
Exportin(tRNA), Exportin-T, Karyopherin-beta, YKL205W, tRNA exportin
- The Saccharomyces cerevisiae LOS1 gene involved in pre-tRNA splicing encodes a nuclear protein that behaves as a component of the nuclear matrix. Shen, W.C., Selvakumar, D., Stanford, D.R., Hopper, A.K. J. Biol. Chem. (1993)
- Chromatin boundaries in budding yeast: the nuclear pore connection. Ishii, K., Arib, G., Lin, C., Van Houwe, G., Laemmli, U.K. Cell (2002)
- Cex1p is a novel cytoplasmic component of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear tRNA export machinery. McGuire, A.T., Mangroo, D. EMBO J. (2007)
- Nuclear pore proteins are involved in the biogenesis of functional tRNA. Simos, G., Tekotte, H., Grosjean, H., Segref, A., Sharma, K., Tollervey, D., Hurt, E.C. EMBO J. (1996)
- The yeast protein Arc1p binds to tRNA and functions as a cofactor for the methionyl- and glutamyl-tRNA synthetases. Simos, G., Segref, A., Fasiolo, F., Hellmuth, K., Shevchenko, A., Mann, M., Hurt, E.C. EMBO J. (1996)
- Retrograde movement of tRNAs from the cytoplasm to the nucleus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Shaheen, H.H., Hopper, A.K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2005)
- A Los1p-independent pathway for nuclear export of intronless tRNAs in Saccharomycescerevisiae. Feng, W., Hopper, A.K. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002)
- Cloning and characterization of LOS1, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene that affects tRNA splicing. Hurt, D.J., Wang, S.S., Lin, Y.H., Hopper, A.K. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1987)
- Yeast Los1p has properties of an exportin-like nucleocytoplasmic transport factor for tRNA. Hellmuth, K., Lau, D.M., Bischoff, F.R., Künzler, M., Hurt, E., Simos, G. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1998)
- Los1p, involved in yeast pre-tRNA splicing, positively regulates members of the SOL gene family. Shen, W.C., Stanford, D.R., Hopper, A.K. Genetics (1996)
- tRNA nuclear export in saccharomyces cerevisiae: in situ hybridization analysis. Sarkar, S., Hopper, A.K. Mol. Biol. Cell (1998)
- Defects in tRNA processing and nuclear export induce GCN4 translation independently of phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2. Qiu, H., Hu, C., Anderson, J., Björk, G.R., Sarkar, S., Hopper, A.K., Hinnebusch, A.G. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2000)
- Division of labor among the yeast Sol proteins implicated in tRNA nuclear export and carbohydrate metabolism. Stanford, D.R., Whitney, M.L., Hurto, R.L., Eisaman, D.M., Shen, W.C., Hopper, A.K. Genetics (2004)
- An aminoacylation-dependent nuclear tRNA export pathway in yeast. Grosshans, H., Hurt, E., Simos, G. Genes Dev. (2000)