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Gene Review

MSN5  -  Msn5p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: D9651.5, KAP142, Protein MSN5, STE21, YDR335W
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High impact information on MSN5

  • We also find that the shuttling receptor used by Pho4 for nuclear export is the importin-beta-family member Msn5, which is required for nuclear export of Pho4 in vivo and binds only to phosphorylated Pho4 in the presence of the GTP-bound form of yeast Ran in vitro [1].
  • In addition, we define the Crz1p nuclear export signal (NES) and show that it interacts with Msn5p in a phosphorylation-dependent manner [2].
  • Finally, similar to Deltamsn5/ste21 strains, cells expressing a mutant Far1p, which can no longer be exported, exhibit a mating defect, but are able to arrest their cell cycle in response to pheromones [3].
  • In contrast, in response to mating pheromones, the Far1-Cdc24 complex is exported from the nucleus by Msn5 [4].
  • Cex1p co-purifies with the nuclear tRNA export receptors Los1p and Msn5p, the eukaryotic elongation factor eEF-1A, which delivers aminoacylated tRNAs to the ribosome, and the RanGTPase Gsp1p, but not with Cca1p, a tRNA maturation enzyme that facilitates translocation of non-aminoacylated tRNAs across the nuclear pore complex [5].

Biological context of MSN5


Associations of MSN5 with chemical compounds

  • In wild-type cells, RPA was localized primarily to the nucleus but, in a KAP142 deletion strain, RPA was mislocalized to the cytoplasm and the strain was highly sensitive to bleomycin (BLM) [8].
  • RESULTS: Here, we report that Msn5, a member of the importin beta family of nuclear transport receptors, is required to export Mig1 from the nucleus when glucose is removed [10].
  • Msn5p is concentrated in nuclei of unstressed cells, but appears in the cytoplasm upon exposure to ethanol, heat, starvation or severe oxidative stress [11].

Physical interactions of MSN5

  • In response to mating pheromones, a fraction of Far1 was stabilized after its export into the cytoplasm by Ste21/Msn5 [12].

Regulatory relationships of MSN5


Other interactions of MSN5

  • In fact, we have shown that the level of Cln2p protein is drastically reduced in an msn5 mutant [13].
  • Swi6p shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm during the cell cycle, and we have found that Msn5p is required for Swi6p export from the nucleus during the G(2)-M phase [13].
  • The levels of Msn2 were significantly reduced in msn5 deletion cells that have been shown to constitutively retain Msn2 in the nucleus [15].
  • Also, both yrb1ts mutations suppress the mating defect of a null mutation in MSN5, which encodes the receptor for pheromone-stimulated nuclear export of Ste5 [16].
  • Cells with HO under its genomic promoter, but stabilized by deletion of the Msn5 exportin, proliferate, but are multibudded [17].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MSN5


  1. The receptor Msn5 exports the phosphorylated transcription factor Pho4 out of the nucleus. Kaffman, A., Rank, N.M., O'Neill, E.M., Huang, L.S., O'Shea, E.K. Nature (1998) [Pubmed]
  2. Calcineurin-dependent regulation of Crz1p nuclear export requires Msn5p and a conserved calcineurin docking site. Boustany, L.M., Cyert, M.S. Genes Dev. (2002) [Pubmed]
  3. Nuclear export of Far1p in response to pheromones requires the export receptor Msn5p/Ste21p. Blondel, M., Alepuz, P.M., Huang, L.S., Shaham, S., Ammerer, G., Peter, M. Genes Dev. (1999) [Pubmed]
  4. Nuclear sequestration of the exchange factor Cdc24 by Far1 regulates cell polarity during yeast mating. Shimada, Y., Gulli, M.P., Peter, M. Nat. Cell Biol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. Cex1p is a novel cytoplasmic component of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear tRNA export machinery. McGuire, A.T., Mangroo, D. EMBO J. (2007) [Pubmed]
  6. The karyopherin Msn5/Kap142 requires Nup82 for nuclear export and performs a function distinct from translocation in RPA protein import. Belanger, K.D., Simmons, L.A., Roth, J.K., VanderPloeg, K.A., Lichten, L.B., Fahrenkrog, B. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  7. HASTY, the Arabidopsis ortholog of exportin 5/MSN5, regulates phase change and morphogenesis. Bollman, K.M., Aukerman, M.J., Park, M.Y., Hunter, C., Berardini, T.Z., Poethig, R.S. Development (2003) [Pubmed]
  8. The karyopherin Kap142p/Msn5p mediates nuclear import and nuclear export of different cargo proteins. Yoshida, K., Blobel, G. J. Cell Biol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  9. Nucleocytoplasmic transport: Inside out regulation. Hopper, A.K. Curr. Biol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  10. The nuclear exportin Msn5 is required for nuclear export of the Mig1 glucose repressor of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. DeVit, M.J., Johnston, M. Curr. Biol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  11. The carrier Msn5p/Kap142p promotes nuclear export of the hsp70 Ssa4p and relocates in response to stress. Quan, X., Tsoulos, P., Kuritzky, A., Zhang, R., Stochaj, U. Mol. Microbiol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  12. Nuclear-specific degradation of Far1 is controlled by the localization of the F-box protein Cdc4. Blondel, M., Galan, J.M., Chi, Y., Lafourcade, C., Longaretti, C., Deshaies, R.J., Peter, M. EMBO J. (2000) [Pubmed]
  13. Cell cycle activation of the Swi6p transcription factor is linked to nucleocytoplasmic shuttling. Queralt, E., Igual, J.C. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  14. Nuclear localization destabilizes the stress-regulated transcription factor Msn2. Durchschlag, E., Reiter, W., Ammerer, G., Schüller, C. J. Biol. Chem. (2004) [Pubmed]
  15. Genetic factors that regulate the attenuation of the general stress response of yeast. Bose, S., Dutko, J.A., Zitomer, R.S. Genetics (2005) [Pubmed]
  16. Mutations in the YRB1 gene encoding yeast ran-binding-protein-1 that impair nucleocytoplasmic transport and suppress yeast mating defects. Künzler, M., Trueheart, J., Sette, C., Hurt, E., Thorner, J. Genetics (2001) [Pubmed]
  17. DNA damage response-mediated degradation of Ho endonuclease via the ubiquitin system involves its nuclear export. Kaplun, L., Ivantsiv, Y., Bakhrat, A., Raveh, D. J. Biol. Chem. (2003) [Pubmed]
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