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Disease relevance of Tombusvirus


High impact information on Tombusvirus


Chemical compound and disease context of Tombusvirus


Biological context of Tombusvirus


Gene context of Tombusvirus

  • Mutations in either p33 or p92 within the short regions involved in p33:p33 and p33:p92 interactions decreased the replication of a TBSV defective interfering RNA in yeast, a model host, supporting the significance of these protein interactions in tombusvirus replication [20].
  • Uncoupled expression of p33 and p92 permits amplification of tomato bushy stunt virus RNAs [21].
  • This study on Tomato bushy stunt virus identified and defined three previously unknown regulatory sequences involved in RNA accumulation that are located within the 3'-proximal nested movement protein genes p22 and p19 [22].
  • In particular, systemic invasion depended very much, although not exclusively, on the type of protein that coated progeny viral RNA, suggesting a role of the capsid protein in the long-distance movement of tombusvirus infections [23].
  • Hybrid cDNA clones were constructed by fusing the coat protein-encoding gene and/or the 3'-terminal region (including the 22- and 19-kDa protein-encoding genes) derived from a clone of artichoke mottled crinkle tombusvirus to the 5'-terminal region of a full-length clone of cymbidium ringspot tombusvirus [23].


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