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Disease relevance of Emaciation

  • In sham-operated cocks, TP induced permanent hypophagia and emaciation while in castrated cocks, although alleviating adiposity, it did not reduce the rate of weight gain and induced only a transient hypophagia [1].
  • Moreover, 2 patients who showed a decrease in IGF-I and suffered from malnutritional complications, such as hypoproteinemia and emaciation, which could not be successfully treated by conventional therapies were selected in order to confirm the nutritional role of IGF-I mediated by recombinant human GH (r-hGH) [2].
  • TNF is thought to reduce lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity, decrease fat deposits, induce emaciation, and worsen cachexia [3].
  • Eight birds of prey examined between 1992 and 1995 and sharing common symptoms (asthenia, inability to fly, poor appetite and emaciation) underwent laboratory tests revealing immunodeficiency, anaemia, high creatine kinase levels and low serum magnesium levels [4].
  • Passive immunization against TNF-alpha improved body weight gain and ameliorated pneumonic lesions in infected mice, and prevented them from lethal infection, but lung virus induced emaciation, pneumonic lesions and death were mediated by TNF-alpha [5].

High impact information on Emaciation

  • A combination of FTY720 (0.1 mg/kg/day) with tacrolimus (0.5 mg/kg/ day) compromised animal survival, reducing survival from 83.5 days with tacrolimus alone to 30.5 days due to infectious complication and emaciation by overimmunosuppression [6].
  • From this it can be stated that anteriorly and posteriorly placed tumors do exhibit subtle but significant differences in their clinical course, and roentgenograms of the optic foramina and analysis of the CSF cell and protein content appear warranted early in the investigation of emaciation from unknown cause [7].
  • Reduction of cytochrome P4501A with age in Atlantic tomcod from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Canada: relationship with emaciation and possible effect of contamination [8].
  • Fifty percent of rats received an oral cysteine supplementation to verify/refute the hypothesis that the incapacitation observed in previous studies is the cause of emaciation and associated impairment of CS(2) detoxification [9].
  • Polychlorinated biphenyl toxicokinetics and P4501A responses in anadromous Arctic charr during winter emaciation [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Emaciation

  • The degree of emaciation was the same in simmondsin treated rats (SM) and pair-fed controls (PF) [11].
  • He gradually showed severe neuropathy and emaciation because of poor control of his blood glucose levels [12].
  • Reduced serum concentrations of nutrients like iron, zinc and folates and of albumin and cholesterol are found, as well as emaciation, both in malnutrition and in cancer [13].
  • Infestations with gastro-intestinal namatodes were responsible for extreme emaciation [14].
  • Ganciclovir treatment was effective in stopping the diarrhea and increasing her bodyweight, but after the age of 5, resumption of diarrhea was followed by progressive emaciation and weakness [15].

Gene context of Emaciation

  • Both at the emaciation phase and after weight restoration, E2B enhanced the second LH response to LHRH and decreased serum FSH, suggesting that the functional capacities of the pituitary gonadotrophs are normal in AN [16].
  • Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) toxicokinetics and hepatic P450 (CYP) 1A activities were studied in wild anadromous Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) during winter emaciation [10].
  • In the terminal stages of disease, the mice developed weakness, gradual emaciation, posterior ataxia, and occasionally alopecia [17].


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