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Behavior, Animal

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Psychiatry related information on Behavior, Animal


High impact information on Behavior, Animal

  • The use-dependent modification of synapses is strongly influenced by dopamine, a transmitter that participates in both the physiology and pathophysiology of animal behavior [3].
  • Recently we have produced GAD65 -/- mice and demonstrated that lack of GAD65 does not change brain GABA contents or animal behavior, except for a slight increase in susceptibility to seizures [4].
  • Infusion of PGD2 into the lateral ventricle at 15-2250 pmol/min induced natural sleep as identified by electroencephalogram, electromyogram, electrooculogram, body temperature, heart rate, and animal behavior [5].
  • Since its first characterization as a model for the detection of antidepressant drugs (van Riezen et al., 1976) a large body of data now supports the view that olfactory bulbectomy produces changes in animal behavior that are reversed by chronic treatment with antidepressants [6].
  • Experiments were designed to demonstrate the efficacy of tolvaptan reducing mortality in an acute model, and controlling the extent of serum sodium elevation without causing abnormal animal behavior suggesting neurological symptoms in a chronic model [7].

Chemical compound and disease context of Behavior, Animal

  • These two actions of p-OHA might, together with possible 5-HT efflux into the synaptic cleft, greatly contribute to head twitch, a brain 5-HT-mediated animal behavior induced by p-OHA [8].
  • Animal behavior studies have also examined the potential neurochemical mechanisms underlying the antidepressant effects of buspirone and related compounds [9].
  • Compound 8q demonstrated in vivo proof of concept in an animal behavior model where known antipsychotics are active, supporting the development of new antipsychotics based on the NMDA hypofunction model for schizophrenia [10].
  • These results represent the first demonstration of antagonist-like actions of a neuroactive steroid on the GRCs at levels ranging from the receptor to animal behavior and suggest the existence of partial agonist neurosteroids [11].
  • Indeed, nicotine-treated animals scored consistently higher on the BBB scale indicating that the treatment altered animal behavior [12].

Anatomical context of Behavior, Animal

  • The studies included evaluating whole animal behavior, electrochemical recordings of striatal dopamine release, neurochemical determinations of basal ganglia and nigral monoamine levels, and immunohistochemical staining of the nigrostriatal dopamine system [13].

Gene context of Behavior, Animal

  • Hence ICV administration of BDNF has entirely different effects on animal behavior from those evoked by NGF [14].
  • The present results also indicate the importance of the methyl group to selective MAO-A inhibition by the substrate-analogues tested, and the concomitantly induced animal behavior [15].
  • Calcineurin in animal behavior [16].
  • It was hoped that this approach may provide an alternative means of studying the role of 5-HT3 receptors on animal behavior, for the majority of related studies have used antagonists at this subtype [17].
  • The effects of prolactin on animal behavior include the stimulation of novelty-induced grooming in rats [18].


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