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Chemical Compound Review

buspirone     8-[4-(4-pyrimidin-2- ylpiperazin-1...

Synonyms: Buspinol, Buspisal, Ansiced, Anxiron, Buspirona, ...
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Disease relevance of buspirone


Psychiatry related information on buspirone


High impact information on buspirone


Chemical compound and disease context of buspirone


Biological context of buspirone


Anatomical context of buspirone

  • CONCLUSION: The study shows that buspirone modulates the immune system and leads to changes in the CD4 and CD8 T-cell numbers, functional capacity, cell maturation and viral load [23].
  • Furthermore, preclinical studies have shown that buspirone does not possess anticonvulsant or muscle relaxant properties and does not interact significantly with central nervous system depressants [24].
  • Development of "flu-like' symptoms, so severe that two patients withdrew from the study and two patients ceased medication before time, was a clinical indication of modulation of the immune system by buspirone [23].
  • (R)-8-OH-DPAT, (S)-8-OH-DPAT, and buspirone stimulated [35S]GTPgammaS binding in hippocampus by 340%, 140%, and 78%, with EC50 values of 71, 51, and 132 nM [25].
  • This incorporation could be blocked when membranes were incubated with 1 microM of several agents that have high affinity for 5-HT1A sites [5-HT, 8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetraline, TVX Q 7821, spiperone, buspirone, d-lysergic acid diethylamide, metergoline] [26].

Associations of buspirone with other chemical compounds

  • In man, buspirone hydrochloride at doses of 30, 60, and 90 mg orally significantly elevated plasma prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) concentrations [13].
  • Spontaneous 5-HT1A receptor activity was partially attenuated by 5-HT1A receptor partial agonists with anxiolytic activity (e.g. buspirone and flesinoxan) but was not altered by full agonists or antagonists [27].
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder, fluoxetine, and buspirone [28].
  • Not only does the lack of effect of buspirone on the Amphetamine and Morphine-Benzedrine Group subscales indicate lack of a euphorigenic property, but the score on the Lysergic Acid Diethylamide subscale, especially in the 40-mg group, suggests a dysphorigenic property at high doses [21].
  • By contrast, buspirone is 16-fold weaker at dopamine (D2) receptors (IC50 = 380 nM), whereas TVX Q 7821 is 6-fold less potent at alpha-adrenergic1 sites (IC50 = 58 nM) [29].

Gene context of buspirone


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of buspirone

  • These issues are discussed herein, using the clinical trials of buspirone, a new, nonsedating antianxiety agent, as a model for the process of drug selection [32].
  • The single-blind study, conducted in 23 outpatients, consisted of 28 days of buspirone treatment followed by four days of placebo treatment [33].
  • Buspirone was not removed by hemodialysis [20].
  • A small, transient pupillary constriction was evident in the 20- and 40-mg buspirone groups, but it dissipated within two hours after dosing [21].
  • Buspirone did not alter the EEG or DSST performance but did increase self-ratings of sedation and feeling "spacey" and impaired memory function; these effects generally were quantitatively less than with triazolam [34].


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