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Chemical Compound Review

GSSeSG     (2S)-2-amino-4-[[(1S)-2- [(2S)-2-[[(4S)-4...

Synonyms: GS-Se-SG, CHEBI:26634, KST-1A4092, LS-71933, AR-1A3612, ...
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Disease relevance of Selenodiglutathione


High impact information on Selenodiglutathione


Biological context of Selenodiglutathione


Anatomical context of Selenodiglutathione


Associations of Selenodiglutathione with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Selenodiglutathione


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Selenodiglutathione

  • The liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS) data showed that, in the ionic condition of incubation medium, GSH promptly reduced SeO3(2-) (< or = 2 min) in its elemental form Se0, which cannot ascribe to selenodiglutathione a direct role in the effect of GSH [19].


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