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Chemical Compound Review

AG-A-33863     2-(aminocarbonylamino) butanedioic acid

Synonyms: CHEMBL1161506, ACMC-209rfe, CHEBI:64850, ANW-39816, NSC-14983, ...
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Disease relevance of NSC14983


High impact information on NSC14983


Biological context of NSC14983


Anatomical context of NSC14983

  • We find that rtg2 Delta cells take up USA even without the presence of [URE3] [4].
  • Carbamyl-aspartate appears not to be degraded rapidly in mammalian cells but it can pass into the blood and could possible disrupt brain metabolism by action as an acetylaspartate analog, if it passes the blood-brain barrier [9].
  • In the present study, infusion of carbamyl-DL-aspartic acid (CAA) into rats was used to demonstrate the role of the endogenous hormones of the hypothalamus-parotid gland endocrine axis in stimulating IDDP, as observed by fluorescence microscopy of longitudinal sections of molar teeth [10].

Associations of NSC14983 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of NSC14983

  • The Saccharomyces cerevisiae allantoate/ureidosuccinate permease gene (DAL5) is often used as a reporter in studies of the Tor1/2 protein kinases which are specifically inhibited by the clinically important immunosuppressant and anti-neoplastic drug, rapamycin [14].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NSC14983


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  14. Synergistic operation of four cis-acting elements mediate high level DAL5 transcription in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Rai, R., Daugherty, J.R., Tate, J.J., Buford, T.D., Cooper, T.G. FEMS Yeast Res. (2004) [Pubmed]
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