Chemical Compound Review:
SureCN8624463 (2-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 2,2-dimethyl-3-(2...
- Ovicidal and adulticidal activities of Cinnamomum zeylanicum bark essential oil compounds and related compounds against Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculicidae). Yang, Y.C., Lee, H.S., Lee, S.H., Clark, J.M., Ahn, Y.J. Int. J. Parasitol. (2005)
- Controlled study of malathion and d-phenothrin lotions for Pediculus humanus var capitis-infested schoolchildren. Chosidow, O., Chastang, C., Brue, C., Bouvet, E., Izri, M., Monteny, N., Bastuji-Garin, S., Rousset, J.J., Revuz, J. Lancet (1994)
- In-flight disinsection as an efficacious procedure for preventing international transport of insects of public health importance. Russell, R.C., Paton, R. Bull. World Health Organ. (1989)
- Diagnostic dose of synergized d-phenothrin for insecticide susceptibility testing by bottle bioassay. Petersen, J.L., Floore, T.G., Brogdon, W.G. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. (2004)
- Indoor behavior and risk assessment following residual spraying of d-phenothrin and d-tetramethrin. Matoba, Y., Takimoto, Y., Kato, T. American Industrial Hygiene Association journal. (1998)
- Lack of estrogenic or (anti-)androgenic effects of d-phenothrin in the uterotrophic and Hershberger assays. Yamada, T., Ueda, S., Yoshioka, K., Kawamura, S., Seki, T., Okuno, Y., Mikami, N. Toxicology (2003)
- Effect of three pyrethroids on blood feeding and fecundity of Aedes aegypti. Liu, W., Todd, R.G., Gerberg, E.J. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. (1986)
- A resistance of head lice (Pediculus capitis) to permethrin in Czech Republic. Rupes, V., Moravec, J., Chmela, J., Ledvinka, J., Zelenková, J. Cent. Eur. J. Public Health (1995)
- Biological activity of permethrin, phenothrin/allerthrin and D-phenothrin on Periplaneta americana and Blattella germanica cockroaches. Lukwa, N., Manokore, V. East African medical journal. (1997)