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Chemical Compound Review

ALLETHRIN     (2-methyl-4-oxo-3-prop-2- enyl-1-cyclopent...

Synonyms: Pyrocide, Exthrin, Pynamin, Pyresin, Pyresyn, ...
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Disease relevance of ALLETHRIN

  • When aged 5 months, they received bioallethrin (0.7 mg/kg body weight per day for 7 days) or paraoxon (1.4 mg/kg body weight every second day for 7 days). mRNA expression of subtypes m1, m3, and m4 was studied in 7-month-old animals [1].
  • Effect of temperature on toxicity of a natural pyrethrin pesticide to green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) [2].
  • While less severe allergic reactions have been reported, this is the first death associated with pyrethrin inhalation [3].
  • Both cases were subsequently found to have infestations: one as a result of cutaneous larva migrans was successfully treated with ivermectin and the other caused by scabies mites was successfully treated with topical pyrethrin [4].
  • Two hundred and sixty-eight children with pediculosis capitis took part in a comparative study to test the efficacy of five different pediculocides commonly used in Israel. The preparations used were pyrethrin shampoo, pyrethroid spray, malathion solution, carbaryl shampoo and carbaryl lotion [5].

Psychiatry related information on ALLETHRIN

  • Twenty-four hours after the last administration, a spontaneous motor activity test revealed significant aberrations in mice exposed both neonatally and as adults to bioallethrin [6].

High impact information on ALLETHRIN


Chemical compound and disease context of ALLETHRIN


Biological context of ALLETHRIN


Anatomical context of ALLETHRIN


Associations of ALLETHRIN with other chemical compounds


Gene context of ALLETHRIN


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ALLETHRIN

  • GLC, HPLC and TLC chromatographic methods as the final determination of individual pyrethrin and pyrethroid residues and multi-residue, the enantiomer and diastereomer separation as well as the GC-MS confirmation are discussed and summarized in tabular form [26].
  • Unlike fruit and vegetable extracts, soil and dust samples did not interfere with the ELISA, and the bioallethrin content in those samples could be determined with high precision without the need of any further purification [27].
  • Determination of pyrethrin and pyrethroid pesticides in urine and water matrixes by liquid chromatography with diode array detection [28].
  • Lesions cleared after treatments with malathion (dips) or pyrethrin (shampoos) [29].
  • Stereoselectivity of a radioimmunoassay for the insecticide S-bioallethrin [30].


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