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Disease relevance of Cockroaches


Psychiatry related information on Cockroaches


High impact information on Cockroaches

  • Proctolin (H-Arg-Tyr-Leu-Pro-Thr-OH) is a pentapeptide first extracted from cockroaches [8].
  • P. americana allergen 1 (Per a 1) and Per a 7 (tropomyosin) are to date the only cross-reacting allergens found in cockroaches [9].
  • Recent studies have demonstrated that Ags derived from cockroaches are especially prominent in these settings and a significant health concern for the induction of asthma in children [10].
  • Larval-specific protein (LSP) is the most abundant protein in the hemolymph of cockroaches shortly before molting, but is rapidly cleared from the hemolymph during the molt (Kunkel, J. G., and Lawler, D. M. (1974) Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 47B, 697-710) [11].
  • Midguts from cockroaches or mealworms were used and membrane fractions were obtained by sucrose gradient and ultracentrifugation techniques [12].

Chemical compound and disease context of Cockroaches


Biological context of Cockroaches


Anatomical context of Cockroaches

  • NADPH diaphorase histochemistry in the thoracic ganglia of locusts, crickets, and cockroaches: species differences and the impact of fixation [21].
  • A serum raised against octopamine reveals in cockroaches and honey bees structurally comparable systems of perikarya and their extensive yet discrete systems of arborizations in neuropils [22].
  • The peripheral branching of the identified motor neurons Df and Ds which innervate the coxal depressor muscles in the legs of cockroaches was examined using the anterograde transport of a cobaltic-lysine complex and the retrograde transport of cobaltous ion or horseradish peroxidase [23].
  • The toxin can reversibly paralyse cockroaches for several hours, with an ED50 of 127 +/- 54 microg/g. HWTX-II blocks neuromuscular transmission in an isolated mouse phrenic nerve diaphragm preparation and acts cooperatively to potentiate the activity of huwentoxin-I [24].
  • Histochemical demonstration of oxidoreductase activities in the fat body and symbionts of Blattella germanica (Blattodea) following chlortetracycline-treatment [25].

Associations of Cockroaches with chemical compounds

  • Two novel members of the adipokinetic hormone/red pigment-concentrating hormone family of peptides were identified in dung beetles of the genus Onitis using heterologous (measuring lipid and carbohydrate mobilization in locusts and cockroaches) and a homologous (measuring proline increase in the haemolymph) bioassay(s) [26].
  • The results are also discussed with respect to recent studies on octopamine-immunoreactive organization in honey bees and cockroaches and the suggested roles of octopamine in sensory processing, learning, and memory [27].
  • Acetate and lactate were the principal organic acids present in the gut fluid of adult cockroaches and occurred at concentrations of up to 17 and 8 mM, respectively [28].
  • Foreguts of dog chow-fed cockroaches contained an abundant population of lactic acid bacteria that formed acetate and lactate from endogenous hexoses present in the foregut [28].
  • A comparable immunocytological organization of aspartate- and glutamate-immunoreactive neurons in honeybees and cockroaches further suggests that neural arrangements providing directional motion vision in flies may have early evolutionary origins [29].

Gene context of Cockroaches

  • A full-length cDNA encoding a new cytochrome P450, CYP6L1, was cloned from German cockroaches, Blattella germanica [30].
  • The "traditional" treatment for German cockroaches consisted of monthly baseboard and crack and crevice treatment (TBCC) by using spray and dust formulation insecticides [31].
  • Soil-burrowing cockroaches appear to have evolved from a lineage of wood burrowers that invaded Australia from the north some time after the merging of the Asian and Australian tectonic plates ca. 20 Myr ago [32].
  • The GlnGln form of the R130Q polymorphism in the IL-13 gene was associated with serum total IgE (P = 0.005) as well as specific IgE to Der p 1 (P = 0.021), mixed cockroaches (P = 0.03) and dog (P = 0.003) but not with physician-diagnosed asthma (P = 0.621) [33].
  • Cloning of two novel P450 cDNAs from German cockroaches, Blattella germanica (L.): CYP6K1 and CYP6J1 [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Cockroaches

  • Nine individual sera containing IgE antibodies to both cockroaches were used to analyze the cross-reacting allergens in the crude American and German cockroach extracts by FAST inhibition and immunoblotting FAST-inhibition studies showed various degrees but similar inhibition of binding of human IgE to solid-phase American cockroach extract [35].
  • The telomerase from crickets and cockroaches required dATP, dGTP and dTTP but not dCTP as a substrate and sequence analyses of the products of TRAP revealed that the (TTAGG)n repeats are synthesized by telomerase [36].
  • The results of our study demonstrate that deltamethrin-resistant German cockroaches are numerous in Singapore. Comparison between the two bioassay methods showed that there was significant correlation between KD50 and KT50 values [37].
  • A mutation at nucleotide position 2979 (G to C, causing a leucine to phenylalanine change) in the S6 transmembrane segment of domain II of the para-homologous voltage-gated sodium channel has been previously identified in knockdown-resistant cockroaches and demonstrated by site-directed mutagenesis to reduce channel sensitivity to pyrethroids [38].
  • Their levels of allergen-specific serum IgE to a panel of foods (egg white, milk, soy protein, shrimp, wheat and peanut), pet dander, dust mites and cockroaches were measured with Pharmacia CAP System radioallergosorbent test kits [39].


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