Chemical Compound Review:
nicotine 3-[(2S)-1-methylpyrrolidin-2- yl]pyridine
Habitrol, Micotine, Nicabate, Nicoderm, Nicotrol, ...
Gary E. Swan,
Peyton Jacob,
Matthew I. Palmatier,
Megan J. Shram,
Ana M. Valdes,
Robert Walton,
Suman Prasad,
Xiu Liu,
Alan F. Sved,
Zhaoxia Li,
Gary E. Swan,
Douglas Funk,
Rachel F. Tyndale,
Rachel F. Tyndale,
Junran Cao,
Anthony R. Caggiula,
Anh D. Lê,
Matthew I. Palmatier,
Paul R. Pentel,
Huijun Z. Ring,
Peyton Jacob,
Alan F. Sved,
Christina N. Lessov-Schlaggar,
Frances M. Leslie,
Denise M. Nishita,
Neal L. Benowitz,
Eric C. Donny,
Xiu Liu,
Elaine Johnstone,
Eric C. Donny,
Neal L. Benowitz,
Anna Cargill,
Sandra E. Loughlin,
Ian Day,
James D. Belluzzi,
Daniel E. Keyler,
Mike Murphy,
Lesley Hinks,
Neal Benowitz,
Robyn Jacob,
Anthony R. Caggiula,
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