Gene Review:
Dio3 - deiodinase, iodothyronine type III
Mus musculus
5DIII, DIOIII, Type 3 DI, Type III iodothyronine deiodinase, Type-III 5'-deiodinase
- Genomic imprinting contributes to thyroid hormone metabolism in the mouse embryo. Tsai, C.E., Lin, S.P., Ito, M., Takagi, N., Takada, S., Ferguson-Smith, A.C. Curr. Biol. (2002)
- The gene locus encoding iodothyronine deiodinase type 3 (Dio3) is imprinted in the fetus and expresses antisense transcripts. Hernandez, A., Fiering, S., Martinez, E., Galton, V.A., St Germain, D. Endocrinology (2002)
- High-resolution map and imprinting analysis of the Gtl2-Dnchc1 domain on mouse chromosome 12. Tierling, S., Dalbert, S., Schoppenhorst, S., Tsai, C.E., Oliger, S., Ferguson-Smith, A.C., Paulsen, M., Walter, J. Genomics (2006)
- Aberrant regulation of imprinted gene expression in Gtl2lacZ mice. Sekita, Y., Wagatsuma, H., Irie, M., Kobayashi, S., Kohda, T., Matsuda, J., Yokoyama, M., Ogura, A., Schuster-Gossler, K., Gossler, A., Ishino, F., Kaneko-Ishino, T. Cytogenet. Genome Res. (2006)
- Isolation and characterization of the mouse gene for the type 3 iodothyronine deiodinase. Hernández, A., Lyon, G.J., Schneider, M.J., St Germain, D.L. Endocrinology (1999)
- Activity and response to serum of the mammalian thyroid hormone deiodinase 3 gene promoter: identification of a conserved enhancer. Hernandez, A., St Germain, D.L. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. (2003)
- Analysis of candidate imprinted genes linked to Dlk1-Gtl2 using a congenic mouse line. Yevtodiyenko, A., Carr, M.S., Patel, N., Schmidt, J.V. Mamm. Genome (2002)