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Gene Review

Hivep1  -  human immunodeficiency virus type I...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Alpha A-CRYBP1, Alpha A-crystallin-binding protein 1, Alpha A-crystallin-binding protein I, Cryabp1, Transcription factor alphaA-CRYBP1, ...
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High impact information on Hivep1


Biological context of Hivep1

  • Here, we have cloned a single copy gene with 10 exons spanning greater than 70 kb of genomic DNA that encodes alpha A-CRYBP1 [2].
  • One motif is similar to the alpha A-CRYBP1 binding site implicated earlier in the transcriptional regulation of the mouse alpha A-crystallin gene, and other motifs correspond to sites previously mapped by methylation interference studies in the mouse alpha A-crystallin promoter [3].
  • Here we have used the bacterial chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) reporter gene to test the functional importance of the putative DE-1 and alpha A-CRYBP1 regulatory elements by site-specific and deletion mutagenesis in stably transformed alpha TN4-1 lens cells and in transgenic mice [4].
  • The mice carrying transgenes with either site-specific mutations in both the DE-1 and alpha A-CRYBP1 sites or a deletion of the entire DE-1 and part of the alpha A-CRYBP1 site (-60/+46) fused to the CAT gene did not exhibit CAT activity above background in any of the tissues examined, including the lens [4].
  • These included positions -111 to -97 (DE-1 region), positions -75 to -55 (alpha A-CRYBP1 region), positions -35 to -12 (TATA box and PE-1 region), and positions +23 to +43 (an AP-1 consensus sequence) [5].

Anatomical context of Hivep1

  • The DNase I footprints of the DE-1 and alpha A-CRYBP1 regions, previously implicated as functional control elements, were substantially more pronounced using nuclear extract from the alpha TN4-1 cells than from the L929 fibroblasts, suggesting more stable protein binding with the former than with the latter [5].

Other interactions of Hivep1

  • Mutation of the alpha A-CRYBP1-like site (-67/-57), necessary for function of the mouse alpha A-crystallin promoter, did not affect the activity of the chicken promoter [6].
  • Two sizes (50 kDa and 90 kDa) of proteins reacting with the alpha A-CRYBP1-specific Ab were detected in both cell lines and, in addition, a > 200-kDa protein reacting with the Ab was unique to the fibroblast line [7].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hivep1

  • In the present study, we have used an antibody (specific to the alpha A-CRYBP1 protein and made against a synthetic peptide) to directly identify UV-crosslinked protein-DNA complexes via a double-label immunoblotting technique [7].
  • Southern blot analysis indicated that AGIE-BP1 and alpha A-CRYBP1 are encoded by separate genes, thus defining a new family of DNA-binding proteins [1].


  1. Angiotensinogen gene-inducible enhancer-binding protein 1, a member of a new family of large nuclear proteins that recognize nuclear factor kappa B-binding sites through a zinc finger motif. Ron, D., Brasier, A.R., Habener, J.F. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1991) [Pubmed]
  2. Murine transcription factor alpha A-crystallin binding protein I. Complete sequence, gene structure, expression, and functional inhibition via antisense RNA. Brady, J.P., Kantorow, M., Sax, C.M., Donovan, D.M., Piatigorsky, J. J. Biol. Chem. (1995) [Pubmed]
  3. The alpha A-crystallin gene: conserved features of the 5'-flanking regions in human, mouse, and chicken. Jaworski, C.J., Chepelinsky, A.B., Piatigorsky, J. J. Mol. Evol. (1991) [Pubmed]
  4. Functional redundancy of the DE-1 and alpha A-CRYBP1 regulatory sites of the mouse alpha A-crystallin promoter. Sax, C.M., Ilagan, J.G., Piatigorsky, J. Nucleic Acids Res. (1993) [Pubmed]
  5. Protein-DNA interactions of the mouse alpha A-crystallin control regions. Differences between expressing and non-expressing cells. Kantorow, M., Cvekl, A., Sax, C.M., Piatigorsky, J. J. Mol. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  6. Functional elements DE2A, DE2B, and DE1A and the TATA box are required for activity of the chicken alpha A-crystallin gene in transfected lens epithelial cells. Klement, J.F., Cvekl, A., Piatigorsky, J. J. Biol. Chem. (1993) [Pubmed]
  7. Binding of tissue-specific forms of alpha A-CRYBP1 to their regulatory sequence in the mouse alpha A-crystallin-encoding gene: double-label immunoblotting of UV-crosslinked complexes. Kantorow, M., Becker, K., Sax, C.M., Ozato, K., Piatigorsky, J. Gene (1993) [Pubmed]
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