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Gene Review

Ptprcap  -  protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI605264, CD-45-AP, CD45-AP, CD45-associated protein, LPAP, ...
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Disease relevance of Ptprcap


High impact information on Ptprcap


Biological context of Ptprcap


Anatomical context of Ptprcap

  • However, lymphnodes from LPAP-null mice showed increased cellularity, which could indicate that expression of LPAP might be required to prevent expansion of lymphocytes in particular lymphatic organs rather than potentiating immune responses [8].
  • By subtractive hybridization using single-stranded phagemids with directional inserts, we isolated a mouse cDNA clone, LSM-1, from temperature-sensitive Abelson virus-transformed immature B cells whose differentiation was being induced after the shift from the permissive (35 degrees C) to the non-permissive temperature (39 degrees C) [9].
  • Cells expressing the CD45-associated hematopoietic marker are predominantly present in the mammalian bone marrow (BM), but have recently been shown to also reside in the skeletal muscle and potentially participate in muscle repair [10].
  • The two CD45-AP proteins are identical in their capacity for specific binding to CD45, but employ different mechanisms for endoplasmic reticulum membrane translocation [11].
  • Similar analysis of various types of leukocytes demonstrated that CD45-AP is expressed in T, B, and pre-B cells, but not in plasma cells or cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage [11].

Associations of Ptprcap with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Ptprcap

  • In vitro translated CD45-AP bound specifically to CD45 [6].
  • Interestingly, the ability of CD45-AP to interact with Lck in the absence of other lymphoid-specific molecules was proportional to the degree of catalytic activation of p56(lck) [13].

Regulatory relationships of Ptprcap


Other interactions of Ptprcap

  • Therefore, our results support a model in which binding of CD45-AP to inactive CD45 dimers converts them to active monomers [1].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ptprcap


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