Gene Review:
bmp2b - bone morphogenetic protein 2b
Danio rerio
SO:0000704, bmp-2, bmp2, bmp2-4, cb670, ...
- Bone patterning is altered in the regenerating zebrafish caudal fin after ectopic expression of sonic hedgehog and bmp2b or exposure to cyclopamine. Quint, E., Smith, A., Avaron, F., Laforest, L., Miles, J., Gaffield, W., Akimenko, M.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002)
- Maternal control of vertebrate dorsoventral axis formation and epiboly by the POU domain protein Spg/Pou2/Oct4. Reim, G., Brand, M. Development (2006)
- Requirements for endoderm and BMP signaling in sensory neurogenesis in zebrafish. Holzschuh, J., Wada, N., Wada, C., Schaffer, A., Javidan, Y., Tallafuss, A., Bally-Cuif, L., Schilling, T.F. Development (2005)
- bozozok directly represses bmp2b transcription and mediates the earliest dorsoventral asymmetry of bmp2b expression in zebrafish. Leung, T., Bischof, J., Söll, I., Niessing, D., Zhang, D., Ma, J., Jäckle, H., Driever, W. Development (2003)
- Smad1 and Smad5 have distinct roles during dorsoventral patterning of the zebrafish embryo. Dick, A., Meier, A., Hammerschmidt, M. Dev. Dyn. (1999)
- The smad5 mutation somitabun blocks Bmp2b signaling during early dorsoventral patterning of the zebrafish embryo. Hild, M., Dick, A., Rauch, G.J., Meier, A., Bouwmeester, T., Haffter, P., Hammerschmidt, M. Development (1999)
- Ventral and lateral regions of the zebrafish gastrula, including the neural crest progenitors, are established by a bmp2b/swirl pathway of genes. Nguyen, V.H., Schmid, B., Trout, J., Connors, S.A., Ekker, M., Mullins, M.C. Dev. Biol. (1998)
- Equivalent genetic roles for bmp7/snailhouse and bmp2b/swirl in dorsoventral pattern formation. Schmid, B., Fürthauer, M., Connors, S.A., Trout, J., Thisse, B., Thisse, C., Mullins, M.C. Development (2000)
- Maternally supplied Smad5 is required for ventral specification in zebrafish embryos prior to zygotic Bmp signaling. Kramer, C., Mayr, T., Nowak, M., Schumacher, J., Runke, G., Bauer, H., Wagner, D.S., Schmid, B., Imai, Y., Talbot, W.S., Mullins, M.C., Hammerschmidt, M. Dev. Biol. (2002)
- BMP signalling regulates anteroposterior endoderm patterning in zebrafish. Tiso, N., Filippi, A., Pauls, S., Bortolussi, M., Argenton, F. Mech. Dev. (2002)
- Bmp activity establishes a gradient of positional information throughout the entire neural plate. Barth, K.A., Kishimoto, Y., Rohr, K.B., Seydler, C., Schulte-Merker, S., Wilson, S.W. Development (1999)
- The ventralizing activity of Radar, a maternally expressed bone morphogenetic protein, reveals complex bone morphogenetic protein interactions controlling dorso-ventral patterning in zebrafish. Goutel, C., Kishimoto, Y., Schulte-Merker, S., Rosa, F. Mech. Dev. (2000)
- Bmp2b and Oep promote early myocardial differentiation through their regulation of gata5. Reiter, J.F., Verkade, H., Stainier, D.Y. Dev. Biol. (2001)
- bmp1 and mini fin are functionally redundant in regulating formation of the zebrafish dorsoventral axis. Jasuja, R., Voss, N., Ge, G., Hoffman, G.G., Lyman-Gingerich, J., Pelegri, F., Greenspan, D.S. Mech. Dev. (2006)
- Inhibition of BMP signaling during zebrafish fin regeneration disrupts fin growth and scleroblast differentiation and function. Smith, A., Avaron, F., Guay, D., Padhi, B.K., Akimenko, M.A. Dev. Biol. (2006)
- The type I serine/threonine kinase receptor Alk8/Lost-a-fin is required for Bmp2b/7 signal transduction during dorsoventral patterning of the zebrafish embryo. Bauer, H., Lele, Z., Rauch, G.J., Geisler, R., Hammerschmidt, M. Development (2001)
- Expression of bmp2a and bmp2b in late-stage zebrafish median fin development. Crotwell, P.L., Sommervold, A.R., Mabee, P.M. Gene Expr. Patterns (2004)
- In vivo analysis using variants of zebrafish BMPR-IA: range of action and involvement of BMP in ectoderm patterning. Nikaido, M., Tada, M., Takeda, H., Kuroiwa, A., Ueno, N. Development (1999)