Gene Review:
TCH4 - xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase...
Arabidopsis thaliana
- In vitro activities of four xyloglucan endotransglycosylases from Arabidopsis. Campbell, P., Braam, J. Plant J. (1999)
- In vivo colocalization of xyloglucan endotransglycosylase activity and its donor substrate in the elongation zone of Arabidopsis roots. Vissenberg, K., Martinez-Vilchez, I.M., Verbelen, J.P., Miller, J.G., Fry, S.C. Plant Cell (2000)
- Arabidopsis TCH4, regulated by hormones and the environment, encodes a xyloglucan endotransglycosylase. Xu, W., Purugganan, M.M., Polisensky, D.H., Antosiewicz, D.M., Fry, S.C., Braam, J. Plant Cell (1995)
- Transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of Arabidopsis TCH4 expression by diverse stimuli. Roles of cis regions and brassinosteroids. Iliev, E.A., Xu, W., Polisensky, D.H., Oh, M.H., Torisky, R.S., Clouse, S.D., Braam, J. Plant Physiol. (2002)
- Root hair initiation is coupled to a highly localized increase of xyloglucan endotransglycosylase action in Arabidopsis roots. Vissenberg, K., Fry, S.C., Verbelen, J.P. Plant Physiol. (2001)
- Co- and/or post-translational modifications are critical for TCH4 XET activity. Campbell, P., Braam, J. Plant J. (1998)
- Cellular localization of Arabidopsis xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related proteins during development and after wind stimulation. Antosiewicz, D.M., Purugganan, M.M., Polisensky, D.H., Braam, J. Plant Physiol. (1997)
- The Arabidopsis TCH4 xyloglucan endotransglycosylase. Substrate specificity, pH optimum, and cold tolerance. Purugganan, M.M., Braam, J., Fry, S.C. Plant Physiol. (1997)
- The Arabidopsis XET-related gene family: environmental and hormonal regulation of expression. Xu, W., Campbell, P., Vargheese, A.K., Braam, J. Plant J. (1996)
- Involvement of the xyloglucan endotransglycosylase/hydrolases encoded by celery XTH1 and Arabidopsis XTH33 in the phloem response to aphids. Divol, F., Vilaine, F., Thibivilliers, S., Kusiak, C., Sauge, M.H., Dinant, S. Plant Cell Environ. (2007)
- Cold-shock regulation of the Arabidopsis TCH genes and the effects of modulating intracellular calcium levels. Polisensky, D.H., Braam, J. Plant Physiol. (1996)
- Effect of hypergravity stimulus on XTH gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Zenko, C., Yokoyama, R., Nishitani, K., Kamisaka, S. Biol. Sci. Space (2004)
- Ground based studies of gene expression in Arabidopsis exposed to gravity stresses. Kittang, A.I., van Loon, J.J., Vorst, O., Hall, R.D., Fossum, K., Iversen, T.H. Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. (2004)