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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

histidine     (2S)-2-amino-3-(3H-imidazol- 4-yl)propanoic...

Synonyms: Istidina, histidina, Histidinum, Polyhistidine, L-Histidin, ...
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Disease relevance of histidine


High impact information on histidine

  • We demonstrate the feasibility of the approach by binding NTA-chromophore conjugates to a representative ligand-gated ion channel and G protein-coupled receptor, each containing a polyhistidine sequence [6].
  • Lactose permease mutants with polyhistidine insertions in cytoplasmic loops IV/V and VI/VII and periplasmic loop VII/VIII retain transport activity and therefore substrate binding, but do not bind enzyme IIAglc, indicating that these regions of lactose permease may be involved in recognition of enzyme IIAglc [7].
  • In plasma membranes from cells expressing the histidine-tagged P2U receptor, but not from cells expressing the wild-type receptor, a single [alpha-32P]BzATP-labeled protein with a molecular mass of 53 kDa was retained on a Ni(2+)-charged Sepharose column, which binds many proteins containing a polyhistidine tag [8].
  • However, after reduction with NaBH4, acid hydrolysis led to a mixture of amino acid derivatives [presumably, isomeric forms of N pi (N tau)-1,4-dihydroxynonanylhistidine] that were indistinguishable from those obtained from insulin and polyhistidine after similar treatment [9].
  • We purified a polyhistidine-tagged form of Prt1p (His-Prt1p) by Ni2+ affinity and gel filtration chromatography and obtained a complex of approximately 600 kDa composed of six polypeptides whose copurification was completely dependent on the polyhistidine tag on His-Prt1p [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of histidine


Biological context of histidine

  • In order to isolate thioredoxin targets related to these phenotypes, we prepared a C35S (Escherichia coli numbering) thioredoxin mutant to stabilize the intermediate disulfide bridged complex and we added a polyhistidine N-terminal extension in order to purify the complex rapidly [16].
  • Transfection experiments demonstrated that polyhistidine-tagged p42 protein, transiently expressed in human U20S cells, was incorporated into endogenous eIF3 [17].
  • The resulting plasmid, pQTy21, was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and the soluble polyhistidine-tagged protein was purified by metal chelation chromatography [18].
  • A review of published calprotectin amino acid sequences revealed the HEXXH motif of thermolysin-type metalloproteases and an HHH polyhistidine sequence near the C-terminus of the protein's heavy chain [19].
  • We conclude that TSP1 contains a high-affinity binding site for polyhistidine and this is likely to be the molecular basis for the observed binding of TSP1 to histidine-rich glycoprotein [20].

Anatomical context of histidine

  • Expression and characterization of recombinant caveolin. Purification by polyhistidine tagging and cholesterol-dependent incorporation into defined lipid membranes [21].
  • The full-length cDNA for the rat recombinant synaptic vesicle monoamine transporter (rVMAT2) containing a COOH-terminal polyhistidine epitope was engineered into baculovirus DNA for expression in Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells [22].
  • Analysis of coenzyme Q in polyhistidine-tagged Coq10p purified from mitochondria indicates the presence 0.032-0.034 mol of Q6/mol of protein [23].
  • With the goal of determining the minimum structure of the Na+ channel permeation pathway, we created two stable cell lines expressing the voltage-dependent rat skeletal muscle Na+ channel (micro1) with a polyhistidine tag on the C terminus (muHis) and pore-only micro1 (muPore) channels with S1-S4 in all domains removed [24].
  • Clones NF45 and NF90 with a polyhistidine fusion tag were transiently expressed and processed in the native environment of Jurkat T-cells [25].

Associations of histidine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of histidine

  • We produced polyhistidine-tagged recombinant Rab38 and a polyclonal antibody with a synthetic peptide [34].
  • TCH4 proteins, with and without a polyhistidine tag, that harbor an intact N-terminus are directed to the secretory pathway [35].
  • Protein diagnostic features peculiar to this subfamily include an alternate isoform containing a KGD motif, an elevated basic amino acid content with polyhistidine expansion in the 5'-translated region, and the conservation of 15% core tetrad residues specific to annexin A13 members [36].
  • Recombinant Msi4p with an N-terminal polyhistidine leader was purified on a Ni(2+)-Sepharose column, followed by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography [37].
  • Activity could also be restored by reconstituting the inactivated membranes with Escherichia coli-expressed, polyhistidine-tagged Leishmania mexicana GPI8 (GPI8-His; L. mexicana GPI8 is a soluble homologue of yeast and mammalian Gpi8p) [38].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of histidine


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