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Disease relevance of Hypergravity


Psychiatry related information on Hypergravity

  • Exposure to the combination of -6 degrees HDBR, emotional stress, and hypergravity led to an elevation of plasma histamine and serotinin and a dramatic decrease in the concentration of prostaglandins E, F2-alpha, and erthropoietin [4].

High impact information on Hypergravity

  • To investigate the role of cochlear and vestibular function in central and physiological responses, we have examined the effects of increased gravity in wild-type mice and mice lacking the POU homeodomain transcription factor Brn-3.1 (Brn-3bPou4f3) [5].
  • Hypergravity stimulated not only lysyl oxidase mRNA expression but also increased enzyme activity and the sum of immature and mature cross-links [6].
  • Staurosporin inhibited the induction of c-fos by hypergravity almost completely at a concentration of 0.1 microM, but it inhibited the induction of egr-1 only partially [7].
  • Quantitative changes in mRNA expression of glutamate receptors in the rat peripheral and central vestibular systems following hypergravity [8].
  • It is suggested that the animals adapted to the hypergravity by enhancing the cerebellar inhibition of the vestibular nucleus neurons through activation of the NR1 and GluR2 receptors on the Purkinje cells in uvula/nodulus especially at the early phase following hypergravity [8].

Biological context of Hypergravity


Anatomical context of Hypergravity


Associations of Hypergravity with chemical compounds

  • PGE2 release depended on duration but not orientation of the hypergravity load [13].
  • Urinary excretion of LH and testosterone from male rats during exposure to increased gravity: post-spaceflight and centrifugation [16].
  • Lanthanum or gadolinium inhibited the hypergravity-induced increase in the pH of the apoplastic fluid in the epicotyls, which is involved in the processes of the suppression of xyloglucan breakdown due to hypergravity [17].
  • Metabolite profiling for analysis of yeast stress response during very high gravity ethanol fermentations [18].
  • Twelve seated subjects performed a rebreathing-breath-holding-expiration maneuver with a gas mixture containing O2 and He at normal (1 G) and moderately increased gravity (2 G); an anti-G suit was inflated to 85 mmHg in each condition [19].

Gene context of Hypergravity


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Hypergravity


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  2. Effects of fracture trauma, estrone treatment, and 2-G environment on the epiphyseal cartilage zones of developing avian radii. Negulesco, J.A. Aviation, space, and environmental medicine. (1978) [Pubmed]
  3. Changes in food intake and growth rate in mice under hypergravity. Yuwaki, K., Okuno, M. Biol. Sci. Space (2003) [Pubmed]
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  14. Microtubule associated protein (MAP1A) mRNA was up-regulated by hypergravity in the rat inner ear. Takumi, Y., Iijima, N., Suzuki, N., Oguchi, T., Ando, N., Hashimoto, M., Hara, H., Yamashita, H., Usami, S. Brain Res. Mol. Brain Res. (2002) [Pubmed]
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  26. Hypergravity impairs angiogenic response of in vitro cultured human primary endothelial cells. Spisni, E., Bianco, M.C., Blasi, F., Santi, S., Riccio, M., Toni, M., Griffoni, C., Tomasi, V. Journal of gravitational physiology : a journal of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology. (2002) [Pubmed]
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