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Chemical Compound Review

glutamate     (2S)-2-aminopentanedioate

Synonyms: Glutamat, AC1NUTDR, AG-G-99951, CHEBI:29988, CTK5E1370, ...
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Disease relevance of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


Psychiatry related information on POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


High impact information on POLYGLUTAMIC ACID

  • Excitatory amino-acid carrier 1 (EAAC1) is a high-affinity Na+-dependent L-glutamate/D,L-aspartate cell-membrane transport protein [11].
  • The cloned receptors negatively couple to adenylyl cyclase and show sequence similarity to the metabotropic receptors for the excitatory neurotransmitter L-glutamate [12].
  • Here we report that, unlike AMPA which stimulates, kainate elicits a dose-dependent decrease in L-glutamate release from rat hippocampal synaptosomes and also depresses glutamatergic synaptic transmission [13].
  • The transport activity encoded by EAAT4 has high apparent affinity for L-aspartate and L-glutamate, and has a pharmacological profile consistent with previously described cerebellar transport activities [14].
  • Expression of this cDNA in transfected HeLa cells indicates that L-glutamate accumulation requires external sodium and internal potassium and transport shows the expected stereospecificity [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


Biological context of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID

  • Fodrin has been hypothesized to regulate the number of receptor binding sites on neuronal membranes for the putative neurotransmitter L-glutamate [21].
  • In order to study the kinetics of release of endogenous L-glutamate from guinea pig cerebral cortical synaptosomes we have devised a continuous enzymatic assay [22].
  • Recent study of the ventral muscle fibres in the larvae of the beetle, Tenebrio molitor, has revealed that the transmitter action can be mimicked by the iontophoretic application of L-glutamate to the junctional sites at which the extracellular excitatory postsynaptic potentials ( could be recorded (D.Y. and H.W., unpublished observation) [23].
  • We now report that chronic intracortical administration of L-glutamate during a period of monocular vision imposed on young kittens largely prevents the ocular dominance shift which normally occurs under these circumstances [24].
  • In hippocampal neurons, L-glutamate, an inducer of Ca2+ influx and calcineurin activation, triggered mitochondrial targeting of BAD and apoptosis, which were both suppressible by coexpression of a dominant-inhibitory mutant of calcineurin or pharmacological inhibitors of this phosphatase [25].

Anatomical context of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


Associations of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID with other chemical compounds




Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of POLYGLUTAMIC ACID


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