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Gene Review

PRT1  -  E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase PRT1

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: proteolysis 1
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Disease relevance of PRT1


High impact information on PRT1


Biological context of PRT1


Anatomical context of PRT1

  • Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis is a major proteolytic pathway in the cytoplasm and nucleus of eukaryotic cells [9].
  • We identified 83 out of 100 known proteins of the thylakoid localized photosynthetic apparatus, including several new paralogues and some 20 proteins involved in protein insertion, assembly, folding, or proteolysis [13].
  • Seed-type vacuolar processing enzyme (VPE) activity is predicted to be essential for post-translational proteolysis of seed storage proteins in the protein storage vacuole of developing seeds [14].
  • Here we have investigated the proteolysis of the presequences that have been cleaved off inside mitochondria [15].
  • This suggests that regulation of plastid proteolysis by the Clp machinery is not through differential regulation of ClpP/R/S gene expression, but rather through substrate recognition mechanisms and regulated interaction of chaperone-like molecules (ClpS1,2 and others) to the ClpP/R core [16].

Associations of PRT1 with chemical compounds

  • The thylakoid membrane of clpr2-1 showed increased carotenoid content, partial inactivation of photosystem II, and upregulated thylakoid proteases and stromal chaperones, suggesting an imbalance in chloroplast protein homeostasis and a well-coordinated network of proteolysis and chaperone activities [17].
  • In addition, we identified novel ABA-responsive gene families including those encoding ribosomal proteins and proteins involved in regulated proteolysis [18].
  • The cell biology of the COP/DET/FUS proteins. Regulating proteolysis in photomorphogenesis and beyond [19]?
  • The proteins that changed in quantity during the first day of cold acclimation include those that are associated with membrane repair by membrane fusion, protection of the membrane against osmotic stress, enhancement of CO2 fixation, and proteolysis [20].

Physical interactions of PRT1

  • Arabidopsis ERD1 is a ClpC-like protein that sequence analysis suggests may interact with the chloroplast-localized ClpP protease to facilitate proteolysis [21].
  • Expressed and purified AtSNAP33 also bound directly to the cytosolic domain of NtSyr1 and was sensitive to proteolysis by these toxins, suggesting that NtSyr1, a tobacco homologue of AtSNAP33, and coordinate SNAREs are likely to associate as partners for function in vivo [22].

Regulatory relationships of PRT1

  • The DELLA family members AtRGA or (Repressor of ga1-3) and OsSLR1 (SLENDER RICE1) proteins both appear to be subject to GA-induced proteolysis [23].
  • Also, we demonstrate that one of the mechanisms underlying GI protein oscillation occurs post-translationally via dark-induced proteolysis by the 26S proteasome [24].

Other interactions of PRT1

  • In Arabidopsis thaliana, GA derepresses its signaling pathway by inducing proteolysis of the DELLA protein REPRESSOR OF ga1-3 (RGA) [25].
  • In this work, the Arabidopsis thaliana INT6/eIF3e (AtINT6) protein was dissected using limited proteolysis, and a protease-resistant fragment containing the PCI domain was identified [26].
  • This proteolysis is proteasome dependent, implicating ZTL itself as substrate for ubiquitination [27].
  • A 60-kDa form of Atpk1 derived from the insect cell-expressed p70 was more highly phosphorylated than p70 in in vitro kinase assays, suggesting a negative regulatory domain can be removed by proteolysis [28].
  • Acceleration of Aux/IAA proteolysis is specific for auxin and independent of AXR1 [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PRT1


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