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Gene Review

HSP30  -  Hsp30p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: 30 kDa heat shock protein, YCR021C, YCR21C
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Disease relevance of HSP30


High impact information on HSP30


Biological context of HSP30

  • We showed that the HSP30 promoter can induce high gene expression during late stationary phase and remains active until the end of the wine fermentation process [7].
  • One ORF showed considerable homology (46%) to a hypothetical chromosome III gene; another, putatively very hydrophobic gene product, was 30% identical to the heat-shock protein HSP30 [8].
  • Mutation of the Thr-912 residue within the C-terminal domain of H+-ATPase, a potential site of phosphorylation by the Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, also abolishes any effect of Hsp30 [9].
  • Through in vivo pulse-labelling of plasma membrane proteins synthesised before and during heat shock, followed by subcellular fractionation, it was shown that hsp30 is the only protein induced by the yeast heat-shock response that substantially copurifies with plasma membranes [10].
  • Consistent with the role of Hsp30 being energy conservation, Hsp30 null cultures give lower final biomass yields [11].

Anatomical context of HSP30

  • HSP30, encoding the plasma membrane heat shock protein, is shown in this study to be activated by several stresses [12].

Associations of HSP30 with chemical compounds

  • Thus, the HSP26 and the HSP30 promoter can be used for late, phase-specific expression of the desired genes with glucose or maltose as carbon source, and HSP12 with glucose only [13].
  • They also have lower ATP levels, consistent with higher H(+)-ATPase activity, at the glucose exhaustion stage of batch fermentations (diauxic lag), when Hsp30 is normally induced [11].
  • This Hsp30 is induced by several stresses, including heat shock, ethanol exposure, severe osmostress, weak organic acid exposure and glucose limitation [11].

Other interactions of HSP30

  • HSP12, HSP26 and HSP30 were highly expressed [13].
  • In this study, we analyzed the in vivo binding of yeast heat shock factor (HSF) to the promoters of target genes ScSSA1, ScSSA4, HSP30 and HSP104, using chromatin immunoprecipitation [14].
  • The HSP30 promoter has no good agreement to the HSE consensus and its stress activation is unaffected by a mutation (hsf1-m3) that causes defective heat shock activation of Hsf1-dependent genes [12].
  • We refer to YDR033w as MRH1 to denote that it encodes a membrane protein related to Hsp30p [15].


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  6. The yeast model for batten disease: mutations in BTN1, BTN2, and HSP30 alter pH homeostasis. Chattopadhyay, S., Muzaffar, N.E., Sherman, F., Pearce, D.A. J. Bacteriol. (2000) [Pubmed]
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  15. Expression and subcellular localization of a membrane protein related to Hsp30p in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Wu, K., Dawe, J.H., Aris, J.P. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2000) [Pubmed]
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