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Gene Review

HSP12  -  lipid-binding protein HSP12

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: 12 kDa heat shock protein, GLP1, Glucose and lipid-regulated protein, HOR5, YFL014W
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Disease relevance of HSP12

  • Subjecting the yeast to a variety of stresses known to induce HSP12 transcription, including salt, osmotic, ethanol, and heat stress, resulted in a time-dependent increase in GFP fluorescence [1].

High impact information on HSP12


Biological context of HSP12

  • A detailed analysis of the HSP12 promoter region revealed that five repeats of the stress-responsive CCCCT motif (stress-responsive element [STRE]) are essential to confer wild-type induced levels on a reporter gene upon osmostress, heat shock, and entry into stationary phase [4].
  • The [PSI] state did not influence the respective transcript levels nor their regulation, although HSP12 (as a monitor of general stress-responsive) gene expression appeared to differ in the two variant strains [5].
  • The major transcription factors governing (stress-induced) transcriptional activation of HSP12 are Msn2p and Msn4p, binding to the general stress-responsive promoter elements (STREs) [6].
  • Hsp12 accumulates massively in yeast cells exposed to heat shock, osmostress, oxidative stress, and high concentrations of alcohol as well as in early-stationary-phase cells [4].
  • DNA sequence analysis of the cDNA revealed homology with a small heat-shock protein family, HSP12, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc) [7].

Anatomical context of HSP12


Associations of HSP12 with chemical compounds

  • HSP12 and HSP104 were transcribed 10 h earlier with maltose than with glucose [10].
  • Thus, the HSP26 and the HSP30 promoter can be used for late, phase-specific expression of the desired genes with glucose or maltose as carbon source, and HSP12 with glucose only [10].
  • Another selenium protein identified was a heat-shock protein HSP12 (Mr 11693) in which the only methionine residue was replaced by selenomethionine [11].
  • To analyse the regulatory input of both signal transduction pathways, high-salt-induced HSP12 expression in different genetic backgrounds on glucose-, ethanol- and glycerol-based culture media was examined [12].
  • Despite a previous report that HSP 12 is a heat shock protein, HSP 12 was found to increase in yeast grown at 37 degrees C compared with growth at 30 degrees C. However, increased amounts of HSP 12 were present in yeast after entry into stationary phase; this was enhanced by growth in the osmolytes NaCl and mannitol [13].

Other interactions of HSP12

  • Surprisingly, glucose repression of HSP12 appeared to be independent of Msn2/4p: HSP12 transcription in glycerol-grown cells was unaffected in a deltamsn2deltamsn4 strain [6].
  • Two-dimensional analysis of [3H]-leucine-labelled proteins from salt-shocked cells (0.7 M NaCl) revealed the elevated rate of synthesis of nine proteins, among which were the heat-shock proteins hsp12 and hsp26 [14].
  • Mutation of Ser 102 in the CGFS-motif of Pf Glp1 to cysteine did not generate glutaredoxin activity either [15].
  • Three of the proteins were small molecular weight stress-associated proteins: copper, zinc superoxide-dismutase, ubiquitin, and glucose lipid regulated protein (HSP 12) [16].
  • Molecular models reveal a thioredoxin fold for the putative C-terminal domain of Pf Glp1, Pf Glp2, and Pf Glp3, as well as conserved residues presumably required for glutathione binding [15].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HSP12


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  4. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae HSP12 gene is activated by the high-osmolarity glycerol pathway and negatively regulated by protein kinase A. Varela, J.C., Praekelt, U.M., Meacock, P.A., Planta, R.J., Mager, W.H. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1995) [Pubmed]
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  8. The LEA-like protein HSP 12 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae has a plasma membrane location and protects membranes against desiccation and ethanol-induced stress. Sales, K., Brandt, W., Rumbak, E., Lindsey, G. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (2000) [Pubmed]
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