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Gene Review

ABF2  -  Abf2p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: ARS-binding factor 2, mitochondrial, HIM1, YM9916.11, YMR072W
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Disease relevance of ABF2

  • After expression in Escherichia coli or purification from yeast mitochondria, two proteins were tested; they were ABF2 (a structural homologue of the human mitochondrial transcriptional activator mtTF1) and MTF1 (the gene product of a yeast locus known to exhibit a mitochondrial transcription phenotype) [1].
  • Recombinant ABF-2 exhibited potent microbicidal activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, and yeasts [2].

High impact information on ABF2

  • Two additional proteins known to function in mtDNA recombination, Abf2p and Mgt1p, are also required for parsing mtDNA into a larger number of nucleoids, although expression of these proteins is not under general amino acid control [3].
  • In zygotes lacking Abf2p, mtDNA sorting is delayed and preferential sorting is reduced [4].
  • A GFP-tagged form of Abf2p, a mtDNA binding protein required for faithful transmission of rho+ mtDNA in vegetatively growing cells, colocalizes with mtDNA in situ [4].
  • Moreover, in delta abf2 cells with a single copy of ILV5, changes in mtDNA stability correlate directly with changes in conditions that are known to affect ILV5 expression [5].
  • We have identified a multicopy suppressor of the mtDNA instability phenotype of cells with a null allele of the ABF2 gene (delta abf2) [5].

Biological context of ABF2

  • The yeast mitochondrial histone protein HM is required for maintenance of the mitochondrial genome, and disruption of the gene encoding HM (HIM1/ABF2) results in formation of a respiration-deficient petite mutant phenotype [6].
  • Analysis of an 11.7 kb DNA fragment of chromosome XI reveals a new tRNA gene and four new open reading frames including a leucine zipper protein and a homologue to the yeast mitochondrial regulator ABF2 [7].
  • This phenotype was partially rescued by malonic acid, indicating that reactive oxygen species generated by the electron transport chain contribute to mitochondrial dysfunction in abf2 Delta strains [8].
  • ABF2 interacts with DNA both nonspecifically and in a specific manner within regulatory regions, suggesting a mechanism whereby it may aid in compacting the mitochondrial genome without interfering with expression [9].
  • The predicted amino acid sequence of ABF2 is closely related to the high-mobility group proteins HMG1 and HMG2 from vertebrate cell nuclei and to several other DNA-binding proteins [9].

Anatomical context of ABF2

  • ABF2 (ARS-binding factor 2), a small, basic DNA-binding protein that binds specifically to the autonomously replicating sequence ARS1, is located primarily in the mitochondria of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae [9].
  • Furthermore, a fused polypeptide containing only Dbf4 motifs M and C without any spacer can activate Hsk1 and is capable of rescuing the growth defect of him1 null cells [10].

Associations of ABF2 with chemical compounds

  • Overproduction of Abf2p by > or = 10-fold from an ABF2 gene placed under control of the GAL1 promoter, however, leads to a rapid loss of rho+ mtDNA and a quantitative conversion of rho+ cells to petites within two to four generations after a shift of the culture from glucose to galactose medium [11].
  • A mitochondrial HMG box protein, Abf2p, is needed for maintenance of mtDNA in cells grown on rich dextrose medium, but is dispensible in glycerol grown cells [12].

Regulatory relationships of ABF2

  • A sequence that is similar to the HMG DNA-binding domain is important for the DNA-binding activity of Yhm2p, and a mutation in this region abolishes the ability of YHM2 to suppress the temperature-sensitive defect of respiration of the abf2 null mutant [13].

Other interactions of ABF2

  • The most severe instability of rho+ mtDNA is observed in cells with null alleles of both ABF2 and ILV5 [5].
  • The results show that MTF1 specifies correct transcriptional initiation while ABF2 does not [1].
  • To better understand the role of Abf2p in the maintenance of the mitochondrial chromosome, we have isolated a multicopy suppressor (YHM2) of the temperature-sensitive defect associated with an abf2 null mutation [13].
  • Overexpression of MRPL40 did not prevent loss of mtDNA in a mutant strain lacking the mitochondrial protein Abf2p [14].
  • However, COXII and VAR1 sequences are 4-to 5-fold more sensitive to DNase I digestion of mtDNA in toluene-permeabilized mitochondria from the delta abf2 mutant than from wild-type cells, but no difference in DNase I sensitivity was detected with the ori5 probe [12].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ABF2

  • We used high-resolution atomic force microscopy to image the compaction of linear and circular DNA by the yeast mitochondrial protein Abf2p, which plays a major role in packaging mitochondrial DNA [15].
  • Immunoblotting with anti-Abf2p antibody demonstrated the association of Abf2p, a major mitochondrial DNA-binding protein, with the mt-nucleoids [16].


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