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Dentition, Mixed

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Disease relevance of Dentition, Mixed


Psychiatry related information on Dentition, Mixed


High impact information on Dentition, Mixed

  • The emergence of the teeth of the second phase of the mixed dentition was later in the children living in an endemic fluoride area, this difference being statistically greater for the boys than for the girls (95% Cl for differences between means was used to evaluate statistical significance) [7].
  • Effects of nonnutritive sucking habits on occlusal characteristics in the mixed dentition [6].
  • The posterior nasal spine undergoes the impact of RPE in patients in the primary and mixed dentition stages, similarly to the anterior nasal spine though to a lesser extent [8].
  • In the primary dentition group, the asthmatic children had a mean deft of 5.02 +/- 3.05 and a caries prevalence of 75.75%, in the mixed dentition group, the mean deft was 3.45 +/- 2.89 and mean DMFT was 4.83 +/- 3.66 with a caries prevalence of 78.31% [9].
  • Quantitative effects of a nickel-titanium palatal expander on skeletal and dental structures in the primary and mixed dentition: a preliminary study [10].

Anatomical context of Dentition, Mixed

  • Differences in findings between these surveys are assumed to be largely due to the fact that the current survey measured occlusal traits in the permanent dentition; whereas, the US survey measured those traits in the mixed dentition [11].
  • The objectives in mixed dentition orthodontic therapy are to correct dental arch irregularities, occlusal and jaw relation abnormalities, and to eliminate functional interferences [12].
  • Stages of occlusal attrition of the permanent mandibular molars were recorded in 235 Danish medieval skulls, 52 of which were in various states of mixed dentition [13].

Gene context of Dentition, Mixed


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dentition, Mixed


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