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Disease relevance of Dentition

  • Dental plaque collected from the label aspect of the anterior dentition of children harbored Neisseria that synthesized an extracellular iodophilic polysaccharide (EIP) from sucrose [1].
  • Examination revealed that the infant had a peculiar face, a cleft and high palate, abnormal dentition, butterfly-like vertebral defects, finger anomalies, a simian line on the left hand, talipes equinovarus, deep plantar furrows, abnormally high values of alkali phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase, mild anemia and psychomotor retardation [2].
  • The ectodermal dysplasia manifested as hypotrichosis and abnormal dentition [3].
  • Five of the 8 cases have distichiasis, and 5 have ectropion in varying degrees; dental findings consisted of hypodontia in 5 and delayed dentition in 1 patient [4].
  • Higher frequencies of neonatal complications, abnormal dentition, hypotonia, and microcephaly were noted in non-Asian patients with NKS, while a higher frequency of skeletal anomalies was seen in Japanese patients [5].

High impact information on Dentition

  • Activin is an essential early mesenchymal signal in tooth development that is required for patterning of the murine dentition [6].
  • The PAX9 gene, which codes for a paired domain-containing transcription factor that plays an essential role in the development of mammal dentition, has been associated with selective tooth agenesis in humans and mice, which mainly involves the posterior teeth [7].
  • HIES is now recognized as a multisystem disorder, with nonimmunologic abnormalities of the dentition, bones, and connective tissue [8].
  • Dlx2 has been shown to be involved in the patterning of the murine dentition, since loss of function of Dlx1 and Dlx2 results in early failure of development of upper molar teeth [9].
  • We have investigated the regulation of Dlx2 expression to determine how the early epithelial and mesenchymal expression boundaries are maintained, to help to understand the role of these distinct expression domains in patterning of the dentition [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Dentition

  • The distribution of dental fluorosis within the dentition followed the same pattern irrespective of fluoride content of the water [10].
  • The present study supports the idea of a close association between MS and dental caries, and shows that the total level of MS in the human dentition can be influenced by xylitol [11].
  • All teeth in the dentition, except one diseased test tooth with periodontitis were scaled at the first visit and tinidazole or placebo administered twice a day for 7 days [12].
  • Awareness of the occlusal changes following individual tooth loss may be increasingly important when planning treatment for patients who are likely to retain a relatively intact dentition throughout life [13].
  • Microbiological examination revealed higher levels of mutans streptococci among Study Group subjects with mixed dentition than in the Control Group. Also, lactobacillus counts were higher in the Study Group, regardless of sex or dentition [14].

Biological context of Dentition

  • More specifically, Msx-1, Msx-2, and Dlx-2 homeobox genes contribute to the initial patterning of the dentition [15].
  • We have recently reported a unique phenotype involving dentition in mice lacking a functional Runx2 gene (D'Souza et al., Development 126 (1999) 2911) [16].
  • However, in order to prevent such a bacterial shift, the following measures can be considered: periodontal health in the remaining dentition (to prevent bacterial translocation), the avoidance of deepened peri-implant pockets, and the use of a relatively smooth abutment and implant surface [17].
  • RESULTS: From 4 to 6 years of age, before active tooth eruption, there was a significant positive correlation between the vertical height of the mandibular body and the distance from the permanent mandibular buccal dentition to the occlusal plane [18].
  • Occlusal force pattern during mastication in dentitions with mandibular fixed partial dentures supported on osseointegrated implants [19].

Anatomical context of Dentition

  • Furthermore, subjects with a shortened dental arch exerted bite forces similar to those of subjects with a complete-natural dentition, but their chewing efficiency was limited due to the reduced occlusal area [20].
  • Detoxification procedures involving the use of tetracycline and citric acid prior to regenerative procedures with the use of barrier membranes and grafting materials are necessary, and the same problems attendant to premature exposure of the barrier membrane(s) in the natural dentition situation apply to the implant case [21].
  • Analysis of fused maxillary incisor dentition in p53-deficient exencephalic mice [22].
  • Periodontal ligament areas and occlusal forces in dentitions restored with cross-arch unilateral posterior two-unit cantilever bridges [23].
  • In PAX9, a novel, heterozygous G151A transition in the sequence encoding the paired domain of the PAX9 protein was detected in a patient with agenesis of third molars, second premolars and incisors, but not in her parents, the remaining patients or 162 individuals with normal dentition [24].

Associations of Dentition with chemical compounds

  • The acquisition interval for dentition by laser scanner was 0.18 mm, and complicated morphologies of the occlusal surface could be sufficiently reproduced [25].
  • Control slabs were worn for seven days by eight adult male subjects who brushed their natural dentition daily with a fluoride-free dentifrice [26].
  • In five subjects in whom S. mutans recovered quickly, the dentition was treated twice with chlorhexidine varnish, with an interval of one week between the treatments [27].
  • The dose value previously obtained on an enamel fragment from the Tabun C1 dentition is nearly double the value measured for BC7, and tentative age estimates for C1 were in the range of 143+/-37 ka [28].
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the reliability of the iodide permeability test when applied to the human dentition [29].

Gene context of Dentition

  • This loss-of-function of PAX9 most likely results in its haploinsufficiency during the patterning of dentition and the subsequent loss of posterior teeth [30].
  • Pax9 is a paired domain-containing transcription factor that plays an essential role in the patterning of murine dentition [30].
  • Molecular basis of non-syndromic tooth agenesis: mutations of MSX1 and PAX9 reflect their role in patterning human dentition [31].
  • In the light of these new data, we discuss the possibility that evolutionary changes in the Barx1 gene could have simultaneously altered the dentition and the digestive system, therefore positioning Barx1 as a key gene in the evolution of mammals [32].
  • Interestingly, Rab23 demonstrates contrasting expression domains in the incisor and molar dentition during the cap stage, being restricted to the mesenchymal compartment of molar teeth and the epithelium of the enamel knot in incisor teeth [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dentition


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