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Chemical Compound Review

urethane     ethyl carbamate

Synonyms: Uretano, Urethan, Urethanum, Leucethane, Leucothane, ...
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Disease relevance of urethane

  • Genetic influence on type 2 or Clara cell origin of pulmonary adenomas in urethan-treated mice [1].
  • Outbred Swiss Cox mice of both sexes were given single ip injections of 0.5--2.0 mg urethan/g body weight [2].
  • BALB/cCrgl, C57BL/Ki, and (C57BL/Ki X DBAf)F1 mice were treated with 7,12-diemthylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) or urethan to determine conditions that would induce a high frequency of ductal hyperplasias in the mammary gland [3].
  • The predominant mammary lesions in urethan-treated, pituitary isograft-bearing C57BL and (C57BL X DBAf)F1 mice were terminal duct (lobular) hyperplasias characterized by intraluminal epithelial hyperplasia; the urethan-induced mammary tumors were a mixture of adenocarcinomas (36%), adenoacanthomas (5%), and fibroadenomas (59%) [3].
  • Effect of reovirus infection on pulmonary tumor response to urethan in strain A mice [4].

Psychiatry related information on urethane

  • Similar tracks in chronically implanted rats showed evoked firing at numerous sites during wakefulness but not during anesthesia (pentobarbital or urethane) [5].
  • After this discrimination learning was accomplished in 3-5 days, the rats were anesthetized with urethane (1.5 g/kg, i.p.), and neural responses were recorded in SI during flutter stimuli applied to the contralateral hindpaw [6].
  • Spontaneous firing rates and changes in firing rate in response to an intravenously administered dose of apomorphine were measured after various electroconvulsive shock (ECS) treatment regimens from dopaminergic cells of the substantia nigra in urethane-anesthetized rats [7].
  • Under several conditions (W, SWS, and urethan), when cells exhibited bursts >20%, the variability of their response latency was reduced in burst mode compared with single-spike mode [8].
  • Under urethane anesthesia, animals exhibit patterns of cortical activity similar to those seen in wake, drowsiness and slow-wave sleep in unanesthetized animals [9].

High impact information on urethane

  • Furthermore, Pyran-activated maternal macrophages could pass through the placenta, and enhanced urethane-induced cell killing (but not somatic mutation) in the embryo [10].
  • An Eco-RI restriction fragment length polymorphism occurring in a DNA fragment containing the first exon of the murine KRAS2 gene was shown to correlate with the inherited susceptibility of inbred strains of mice to urethan (CAS: 51-79-6)-induced pulmonary adenomas [11].
  • Urethan (CAS: 51-79-6)-induced pulmonary adenomas that arise from either alveolar type II pneumocytes of bronchiolar Clara cells have distinct histologic growth patterns and can thus be distinguished from each other [12].
  • A U+ B- phenotype (urethan inducible but unresponsive to BHT enhancement) also was found among the recombinant inbred lines originally derived from a cross between U+B+ BALB/-cByJ and U-/B- C57BL/6ByJ progenitor strains [13].
  • Cell kinetic studies showed that BHT given in the diet produced increased proliferation of type II alveolar cells during the first 2 weeks and that initial cell proliferation was delayed in urethan-treated animals [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of urethane


Biological context of urethane

  • When BALB mice were crossed with either of these more sensitive strains the response of the progeny to urethan was most easily explained by a single gene which regulates susceptibility, with the more resistant phenotype behaving as a dominant trait [19].
  • On the other hand, repeated stimulation of cell growth after urethan treatment enhanced tumorigenesis [20].
  • Relationship of lung adenoma prevalence and growth rate to acute urethan dose and target cell number [2].
  • In normal adult rats anesthetized with urethane, intravenous injections of beta-endorphin (30--150 micrograms kg-1) induced a transient fall of blood pressure followed by a small hypertension and a prolonged hypotension [21].
  • We present numerical estimates for the probability of initiated cell death for different schedules (and doses) of urethane administration [22].

Anatomical context of urethane


Associations of urethane with other chemical compounds


Gene context of urethane


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of urethane

  • In urethane-anesthetized rats, neocortical EEG showed a periodical alternation between two states: a slow-wave state (SWS) characterized by large and slow waves and a fast-wave state (FWS) characterized by faster waves [35].
  • During the first 2 weeks after treatment, urethan strongly suppressed the cytotoxicity by spleen cells of A/J mice but had relatively little effect on the reactivity of spleen cells of CBA/J mice [36].
  • The effects of adrenalectomy (Ax) on urethan-induced lung tumors were determined in strains of mice that vary in their respective tumor susceptibilities: A/J (sensitive), BALB/cByJ (intermediate), and C57BL/6J (B6, resistant) [37].
  • Corpus mucosal blood flow was measured by the hydrogen gas clearance technique and acid output by a continuous gastric perfusion method in fasted, urethane-anesthetized rats [38].
  • Vagotomy blocked the effect of ICV NPY on gastric acid secretion in a urethane-anesthetized rat model with acute gastric fistula [39].


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