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Dentition, Permanent

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Disease relevance of Dentition, Permanent


Psychiatry related information on Dentition, Permanent


High impact information on Dentition, Permanent


Chemical compound and disease context of Dentition, Permanent


Anatomical context of Dentition, Permanent


Associations of Dentition, Permanent with chemical compounds


Gene context of Dentition, Permanent

  • In addition, he had severe oligodontia affecting his secondary dentition [23].
  • A brother and sister born to normal, nonconsanguineous parents have a syndrome of profound sensorineural hearing deficiency, enamel hypoplasia limited to the permanent dentition, and nail abnormalities [24].
  • No significant differences were observed in the degree of asymmetry present in the permanent dentition of the White and Black individuals studied [25].
  • The relationship between the levels of SigA, lactoferrin and alpha(1) proteinase inhibitor in saliva and permanent dentition caries in 15-year-olds [26].
  • The necropolis of Viale della Serenissima/Via Basiliano in Rome, mostly referable to the II century AD, recently yielded the skeleton of an individual characterized by proportionate short stature, gracile features suggesting female gender, and delayed epiphysial closure, associated with full maturation of the permanent dentition [27].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dentition, Permanent


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