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Disease relevance of Malocclusion


Psychiatry related information on Malocclusion


High impact information on Malocclusion

  • An underdeveloped mandible and resulting micrognathia and malocclusion may occur in some children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis [7].
  • The Angle classification of occlusion, as well as occlusal contacts determined at retrusion, mediotrusion, laterotrusion, and protrusion were recorded from 298 dental students [8].
  • The following dental abnormalities were found: radiculomegaly, delayed dentition, oligodontia, root dilacerations (extension), and malocclusion [9].
  • In 1996, 72% of 12-year-olds had gingival bleeding (CPI scores 1+2), and 23% had moderate/severe malocclusion [10].
  • It was the purpose of the present study to evaluate crestal alveolar bone levels in individuals (Study group, n = 104) who had completed orthodontic treatment at least 10 years previously and compare the findings with adults who had untreated malocclusions (Control group, n = 76) [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Malocclusion

  • Fifty-one patients with malocclusions, 134 titanium screws of 3 types, and 17 miniplates were retrospectively examined in relation to clinical characteristics [12].
  • Consequently, when using nickel-titanium alloy wires, brands must be selected carefully by taking into consideration the severity of the malocclusion and the stage of orthodontic treatment in each case [13].
  • The effect of lateral tongue splinting on development & treatment of C1 II malocclusions [14].
  • Abundance of fluoride and class III malocclusions in Guadalajara, Mexico [15].
  • The effects of using repelling samarium-cobalt magnets for simultaneous distalization of maxillary first and second molars were analysed in individuals with Class II malocclusion [16].

Biological context of Malocclusion

  • Common problems in playing musical instruments include soft tissue lesions, tooth mobility, malocclusion, TMD and endodontic pathoses [17].
  • The size and location of the condyle was determined on submento-vertex and tomographic films which was related to clinical findings including age, sex, malocclusion type, facial type, TMJ symptoms, tooth eruption sequence, crossbites and midline discrepancies [18].

Anatomical context of Malocclusion


Gene context of Malocclusion

  • Open bite malocclusion occurred in individuals with AI caused by mutations in the AMELX and ENAM genes even though these genes are considered to be predominantly or exclusively expressed in teeth [24].
  • Scores for three malocclusion indices (HLD, TPI and OI) and Orthodontist Judgment (OJ) were available for the 100 orthodontic study models utilized in the development of SASOC, the Social Acceptability Scale of Occlusal Conditions [25].
  • RESULTS: The dental interarch discrepancy in the SCP/CR was significantly different from that observed in MIC/CO, with posterior premature contacts (94.0%), increased overjet, decreased overbite, midline differences, and Angle classification changes [26].
  • Treatment of Class II malocclusions with removable appliances. Part 3. Functional appliance therapy [27].
  • The persisting malocclusions did not provoke TMD symptoms [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Malocclusion

  • The results emphasize that a quantitative evaluation of individual occlusal variables may reveal differences within and between populations not detected when simple malocclusion frequencies are reported [29].
  • Thirty-one adults who had been treated with orthodontics alone for Class II malocclusions were recalled at least 5 years posttreatment to evaluate cephalometric and occlusal stability and also their satisfaction with treatment outcomes [30].
  • The related epidemiological studies have been carried out focused on the occlusal characteristics in motion, for example in protrusion, retrusion or laterally extension and on some of malocclusion features [31].
  • A cephalometric study to compare the effects of cervical traction and Andresen therapy in the treatment of Class II division 1 malocclusion. Part 1--Skeletal changes [32].
  • The purpose of this research was to determine the reliability and validity of selected clinical judgments of malocclusion, including general evaluations of occlusal status and more specific aspects of dentofacial malrelations [33].


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