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Heart Sounds

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Disease relevance of Heart Sounds


High impact information on Heart Sounds

  • Patients who responded to digoxin had more chronic and more severe heart failure, greater left ventricular dilation and ejection-fraction depression, and a third heart sound [1].
  • The mechanism of splitting of the second heart sound in atrial septal defect [6].
  • Computer analysis of the recordings was used to measure the left ventricular end-diastolic diameter, the click diameter (left ventricular diameter at the time of mid-systolic click), the maximal velocity of circumferential fiber shortening (max VCF), and the time interval between the first heart sound and systolic click (S1-X) [7].
  • Of the clinical variables, elevated jugular venous pressure and third heart sound (S3) gallop were significantly associated with increased levels of plasma norepinephrine, plasma renin activity and atrial natriuretic peptide [8].
  • The mechanism for the reactions in these patients is not known, but the absence of heart sounds in the presence of no palpable pulse and no obtainable blood pressure should now be included among the adverse effects that may occur after administration of protirelin IV [9].

Biological context of Heart Sounds


Anatomical context of Heart Sounds


Associations of Heart Sounds with chemical compounds

  • The effect of halothane on the amplitude and frequency characteristics of heart sounds in children [13].
  • The cardiovascular responses to isometric and dynamic exercise have been studied in six normal subjects, before and after intravenous propranolol, using the amplitude of the first heart sound (S1), measured from an ultra-low frequency phonocardiogram, as an index of left ventricular mechanical performance [14].
  • METHODS: A total of 106 physicians in the Family Medicine Training Programme were asked to identify 10 cardiac sounds played sequentially on the Littmann electronic stethoscope, which functioned as a surrogate patient [15].
  • The system displays ECG, Temperature and CO2 as well as the envelope of heart sounds in real time [16].

Gene context of Heart Sounds

  • Normal and abnormal heart sounds in cardiac diagnosis. Part I: Systolic sounds [17].
  • In order to detect such sounds, recordings of diastolic heart sound segments were analyzed by using four signal processing techniques; the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), the Autoregressive (AR), the Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA), and the Minimum-Norm (Eigen-vector) methods [18].
  • Third; classification of the heart sound using an Artificial Neural Network. Initial testing revealed the intelligent diagnostic system can differentiate between normal healthy heart sounds and abnormal heart sounds (e.g., murmurs), with a specificity of 70.5% and a sensitivity of 64.7% [19].
  • The genesis of the third heart sound in ischemic cardiomyopathy [20].
  • All 12 infants had atypical findings including a holosystolic murmur parasternally and absence of wide fixed splitting of the second heart sound, and none were clinically suspected to have an ASD [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Heart Sounds


  1. Heart failure in outpatients: a randomized trial of digoxin versus placebo. Lee, D.C., Johnson, R.A., Bingham, J.B., Leahy, M., Dinsmore, R.E., Goroll, A.H., Newell, J.B., Strauss, H.W., Haber, E. N. Engl. J. Med. (1982) [Pubmed]
  2. First heart sound in Ebstein's anomaly: observations on the cause of wide splitting by echophonocardiographic studies before and after operative repair. Willis, P.W., Craige, E. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. (1983) [Pubmed]
  3. Lack of efficacy of digoxin in treatment of compensated congestive heart failure with third heart sound and sinus rhythm in elderly patients receiving diuretic therapy. Aronow, W.S., Starling, L., Etienne, F. Am. J. Cardiol. (1986) [Pubmed]
  4. Mitral stenosis: mitral dome excursion at M1 and the mitral opening snap--the concept of reciprocal heart sounds. Barrington, W.W., Boudoulas, H., Bashore, T., Olson, S., Wooley, C.F. Am. Heart J. (1988) [Pubmed]
  5. "Presystolic" augmentation of diastolic heart sounds in atrial fibrillation. Bonner, A.J., Stewart, J., Tavel, M.E. Am. J. Cardiol. (1976) [Pubmed]
  6. The mechanism of splitting of the second heart sound in atrial septal defect. O'Toole, J.D., Reddy, P.S., Curtiss, E.I., Shaver, J.A. Circulation (1977) [Pubmed]
  7. The determinants of onset of mitral valve prolapse in the systolic click-late systolic murmur syndrome. Mathey, D.G., Decoodt, P.R., Allen, H.N., Swan, H.J. Circulation (1976) [Pubmed]
  8. Relation of neurohumoral activation to clinical variables and degree of ventricular dysfunction: a report from the Registry of Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction. SOLVD Investigators. Benedict, C.R., Johnstone, D.E., Weiner, D.H., Bourassa, M.G., Bittner, V., Kay, R., Kirlin, P., Greenberg, B., Kohn, R.M., Nicklas, J.M. J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. (1994) [Pubmed]
  9. Thyrotrophin-releasing hormone test: an adverse reaction. McFarland, K.F., Strickland, A.L., Metzger, W.T., Smith, J.S. Arch. Intern. Med. (1982) [Pubmed]
  10. Acute effects of ethanol on left ventricular diastolic function. Kupari, M., Koskinen, P., Hynynen, M., Salmenperä, M., Ventilä, M. British heart journal. (1990) [Pubmed]
  11. Penetrating injuries of the heart. McFarlane, M., Branday, J.M. The West Indian medical journal. (1990) [Pubmed]
  12. A case of secundum atrial septal defect combined with aortic stenosis and coronary artery disease showing a single second heart sound. Saitoh, M., Miyakoda, H., Fukuki, M., Yamasaki, J., Fujimoto, Y., Hasegawa, J., Kotake, H., Mashiba, H. Japanese heart journal. (1990) [Pubmed]
  13. The effect of halothane on the amplitude and frequency characteristics of heart sounds in children. Manecke, G.R., Nemirov, M.A., Bicker, A.A., Adsumelli, R.N., Poppers, P.J. Anesth. Analg. (1999) [Pubmed]
  14. The effects of exercise on the amplitude of the first heart sound in normal subjects. Hume, L., Reuben, S.R. Am. Heart J. (1978) [Pubmed]
  15. Factors influencing cardiac auscultation proficiency in physician trainees. Lam, M.Z., Lee, T.J., Boey, P.Y., Ng, W.F., Hey, H.W., Ho, K.Y., Cheong, P.Y. Singapore medical journal. (2005) [Pubmed]
  16. Patient monitor for small creatures. Baker, S., Valenta, H. Biomedical sciences instrumentation. (1999) [Pubmed]
  17. Normal and abnormal heart sounds in cardiac diagnosis. Part I: Systolic sounds. Shaver, J.A., Salerni, R., Reddy, P.S. Current problems in cardiology. (1985) [Pubmed]
  18. Noninvasive acoustical detection of coronary artery disease: a comparative study of signal processing methods. Akay, Y.M., Akay, M., Welkowitz, W., Semmlow, J.L., Kostis, J.B. IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering. (1993) [Pubmed]
  19. Detection of heart murmurs using wavelet analysis and artificial neural networks. Andrisevic, N., Ejaz, K., Rios-Gutierrez, F., Alba-Flores, R., Nordehn, G., Burns, S. Journal of biomechanical engineering. (2005) [Pubmed]
  20. The genesis of the third heart sound in ischemic cardiomyopathy. Aggio, S., Longhini, C., Baracca, E., Brunazzi, C., Fersini, C., Aubert, A.E. Acta cardiologica. (1990) [Pubmed]
  21. Symptomatic atrial septal defect in infancy. Joshi, N.C., Dalvi, R., Merchant, R.H. Indian pediatrics. (1993) [Pubmed]
  22. Asymmetric apical hypertrophy: ten years experience. Sakamoto, T., Amano, K., Hada, Y., Tei, C., Takenaka, K., Hasegawa, I., Takahashi, T. Postgraduate medical journal. (1986) [Pubmed]
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