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Patients' Rooms

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Disease relevance of Patients' Rooms


High impact information on Patients' Rooms

  • None of the normal subjects and only one (0.2%) of 489 nonhypotensive general ward patients had a blood lactate value greater than 4 mmol/L [4].
  • Use of a prototype of this device enabled more accurate measurement of blood glucose on general wards [5].
  • The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the practicality and short-term predictive value of acute myocardial perfusion imaging with technetium-99m sestamibi in emergency room patients with typical angina and a normal or nondiagnostic electrocardiogram (ECG) [6].
  • Forty-two men who were heavy drinkers (>100 g of pure ethanol per day) were consecutively admitted to a general ward for voluntary alcohol detoxification [7].
  • RESULTS: Severe stroke patients treated on the stroke rehabilitation unit had a significantly better outcome compared with general wards (mortality: 21% versus 46%, P < .05; discharge home 47% versus 19%, P < .01; median length of hospital stay: 43 versus 59 days, P < .02) [8].

Biological context of Patients' Rooms

  • Implementation of strict infection control measures stopped the further spread of MRSA on the ICU, the affected general ward, and seven other wards that received MRSA carriers from the ICU [9].
  • A poor compliance to contact isolation precautions was observed in all hospitals: 46% of MRSA-infected patients were hospitalized in a private room; gloves, masks, and gowns were worn for the care of 63.4%, 14%, and 42.5% of MRSA-infected patients, respectively; and handwashing was feasible in the rooms of 52% of the patients [10].

Associations of Patients' Rooms with chemical compounds

  • There were no statistically significant between-drug differences, but the trend was that general ward behaviour, but not token-rewarded behaviour, improved more on pimozide [11].
  • Asymptomatic blood methanol in emergency room patients [12].
  • Airflow studies, using the tracer gas, sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), demonstrated that patient rooms on this ward were at positive pressure with respect to the corridor [13].
  • In addition to contact precautions, other measures that were needed to control the outbreak included closure of the unit to new admissions, creation of a cohort of VRE-positive patients and staff, and thorough cleaning of patients' rooms with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite [14].
  • Although in the general ward the patient's fever persisted and nausea, vomiting and headache often recurred, possibly because of an insufficient dose of furosemide, the patient's condition steadily improved over the 64 h after admission [15].

Gene context of Patients' Rooms

  • Seventeen patients with terminal malignancy have been entered into a sequential investigation of two doses of continuous infusion recombinant interleukin-2 (bioleukin) given in the setting of a general ward [16].
  • In order to test the accuracy of BM Test Glycemie 20-800 strips when used in general wards, simultaneous BM strip results were obtained for 183 emergency out-of-hours plasma glucose requests [17].
  • The One Stop Post Op patient rooms are designed to accommodate every level of patient acuity [18].
  • The majority of patients (21/27) who survived were transferred with negative LAL reactivity to the general wards [19].
  • HCA hospitals: separate business buildings, more private rooms [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Patients' Rooms

  • Seven silver-resistant but sulfonamide-sensitive isolates were incidentally recovered from respiratory specimens from four nonburn patients with silver tracheostomy tubes, one silver-resistant sulfonamide-sensitive isolate was recovered from a small infected burn on the foot of an Emergency Room patient [21].


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